Open-Source CRM
Adaptation of the open source model in the market of CRM happens rather slowly though it and does not mean that in this niche there are no serious players.
The directory of CRM solutions and projects is available on TAdviser
The pacing restraining factor for development of open-source CRM is that circumstance that the business model of such vendors is based on receiving service payments from small and medium-sized companies, and among the companies of the sector of SMB (small and medium business) penetration of CRM just is the smallest.
Besides, on the open-source CRM market vendors of SaaS of CRM solutions which provide solutions just small and average the companies at very competitive prices have a serious impact. Nevertheless, open-source CRM have also traditional pluses: they allow to reach deep customization, to save on direct expenses and to get access to serious tretyestoronny developments.
According to the rating of CRM Magazine for 2011, the leader among CRM with the open code is the SugarCRM system, and it holds the first place the fourth year in a row. This most known solution of this category in the market, and the SugarCRM brand is known even not to specialists.
2011 became for a system next year of aggressive invasion on the market: the vendor signed the agreement on cooperation with Infratel (the solution for call centers) and InsideView (the solution for data management of social networks of type Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn). The company also purchased iExtensions, the CRM solution for IBM Notes/Domino, the transaction price is not disclosed. By CRM Magazine estimates, the market leader of open-source CRM also the Consona systems are among (Compiere) Concursive, SplendidCRM and vTiger.
According to SourceForge Inc. as of 2012 in the world there were 369 active open-source CRM of projects. In TOP-10 projects enter:
The company is founded in 2004 by John Roberts, Clint Oram and Jacob Taylor. The system code was from this point downloaded more than 3 million times. The company received $26 million venture investments, its state totals more than 100 people. More than 12 thousand companies use SugarCRM including Honeywell International, Starbucks Corp., First Federal Bank and BDO Seidman LLP. SugarCRM is written for PHP and is compatible to MySQL DBMS.
The development team develops a system since 2005. The application is created on the Microsoft platform (Windows, ISS, SQL Server, C# and ASP). The solution is quite strong contender of SugarCRM.
Development of CentricCRM is conducted about 7 years, during this time it was succeeded to create rather stable and operable solution. In June, 2007 CentricCRM (later it is renamed into Concursive) received investments from Intel Capital. CentricCRM is intended to small business though it is used also by some companies from the list of Fortune 500. The free version is delivered with five user licenses. A system is written on Java and supports MySQL DBMS.
Hipergate is positioned as the most competitive CRM on Java. Besides, difference of this system is its complete independence of the operating system. The Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL are among the supported DBMS.
Compiere offers complex ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and the CRM application which supports automation of marketing and sales, human capital managements, control of inventory and other functions. In 2006 the developer company received $6 million venture investments. A system is written on Java, JavaScript and PL/SQL supported by DBMS there are JDBC and Oracle.
Vtiger CRM
vTiger CRM is constructed on architecture of LAMP/WAMP (Linux/Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP), and the main development team of a system is based in India. Vtiger CRM includes SFA (Sales Force Automation), customer service, marketing automation, support of different DBMS, supports customization, integration of calendars and e-mail. Also expansions (Outlook Plug-in, Office Plug-in, Thunderbird Extension, Customer Self-service Portal and Web Forms) are offered. Vtiger is written on JavaScript, PHP and Visual Basic. It is compatible to ADOdb, MySQL and PostgreSQL DBMS.
CentraView represents a combination of functions contact management, SFA and CRM. A system is written on J2EE and supports MySQL DBMS. The first version of a system was issued in 2004, now a system exists as for installation in a type of on premise of the solution, and in the form of SaaS. Centraview CRM is written on Java and JSP and is compatible to MySQL.
XRMS CRM is the web application which allows to automate the HRM, SFA and CRM areas. It is on premise the solution for small and the average size of the companies. A system supports integration with the systems of telephony and third-party Outlook programs. XRMS CRM is written for PHP and is independent in relation to the operating system. Among the supported DBMS ADOdb, SQL-based, the Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and other network DBMS enter.
Cream CRM
Cream CRM this multilingual solution developed especially for media of the organizations. Modules allow to communicate with clients by means of news, e-mail and the web interface. Cream CRM is founded on FreeDSB, Linux and Windows 2000/XP. Language of a basis is Java and JavaScript.
Tustena CRM
Tustena CRM represents Microsoft - the centric application. A system exists in three types: On Demand, Business and Open Source. Those who select the last option receive the source code of a system and can address community of developers for support. A system is written on C#, ASP.NET and JavaScript. It supports the Microsoft SQL Server.