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2012/06/28 11:47:14

SED in the public sector


2022: Dmitry Chernyshenko: A single document circulation space will appear in Russia - GosEDO

In Russia, a project was launched to form a single information space in the field of state electronic document management - GosEDO. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko. The GIS GosEDO is operated by the Ministry of Digital Affairs of Russia, and the development of the system is carried out by the FSAU Voskhod Research Institute, the Government of the Russian Federation said on March 29, 2022. More details here.

2011: Results of use: Various government agencies spent 5 billion rubles on the purchase of the corresponding software

In total, in 2011, various government agencies spent 5 billion rubles on the purchase of the corresponding software. These are the results of a study conducted by Cognitive Technologies.

The study was conducted among state institutions, to which the company attributed federal governments, district, city, regional, university, medical institutions and power structures. The study was based on information from the website (a total of 465 purchases from 457 customers were analyzed), as well as data obtained directly from customers in a survey conducted by Cognitive Technologies. It was attended by 276 government employees who purchased electronic document management systems of various manufacturers from 2011 to the beginning of 2012 (79 respondents from the capital region and 197 from 35 constituent entities of the Russian Federation).

"Initially, we conducted a study for ourselves - we were interested in this market, since we ourselves work on it," said PR manager of Cognitive Technologies Danil Gatilov. - At the same time, we did not segment the data received from different state institutions. As part of the study, we did not have such a task. We did not segment the data received on the companies that won tenders. But I can say that among state institutions, most of our clients are law enforcement agencies. "

According to the data received by Cognitive Technologies, the overwhelming number (53%) of respondents spoke negatively about the quality of the purchased systems. More than half of them said that the main problem of most installed systems is the low speed of information processing. 16% of respondents are not satisfied with the weak confidence in the safety of storing documents. And 28% are sure of the need to include auto-processing functions in electronic document management systems, which make it possible to significantly automate the process of processing incoming calls and reduce subjectivity when making decisions.

Those who were completely or partially satisfied with the purchased product were significantly less - 17% and 28%, respectively. About 2% of respondents refrained from a specific answer.

According to Cognitive Technologies, in 2012, the cost of implementing process automation and document management systems in the public sector will increase by 40% compared to 2011 and amount to 7 billion rubles.

Experience of regions

Samara region

2011: Samara State Archive will soon cease to be a kingdom of dusty rarities and a place where the search for the necessary document takes days, or even weeks. Already, many information two centuries ago can be obtained in a matter of minutes. In the archive, the digitization of funds is in full swing.

The latest electronic technologies will help historical documents acquire almost eternal life. The entire floor of the regional archive is now given to accommodate special equipment - in the same way archives in many countries have been transferred to digital format relatively recently. Europe

Over time, electronic access to documents will be available not only to visitors to the reading room of the archive, but also to almost any resident of the planet who has access to the Internet. In the anniversary year for the province, interest in the past of the region, according to the observations of the archive workers, grew very much. In addition to historians, ordinary Samaritans turn to ancient documents, who decided to draw up their genealogy. Electronic technology can help you get the information you need faster.

Republic of Khakassia and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area

More than half of state institutions that have switched to electronic document management (EDO) are not satisfied with the decisions acquired.

Electronic document management systems in regional authorities are becoming a full-fledged tool of public administration. At the same time, the ability to document decision support and remote web access become especially significant.

The introduction of the SED in the Russian regional public sector was initially motivated by the desire to automate office processes while preserving the paper flow. However, thanks to changes in legislation, the functionality of systems has expanded significantly. In particular, in the Russian regions, SED allows you to support the processes of managing electronic documents throughout the life cycle - from creation and approval to storage and subsequent destruction. SED should also help automate such business processes as the provision of public services in electronic form, and ensure electronic interdepartmental interaction.

The Government of the Republic of Khakassia began to actively rebuild its IT infrastructure in 2001. Then a competition was announced for the implementation of the first stage of the construction of a single corporate network in the building of the Government and the Supreme Council. It was required to build a local network, supply and install servers, DBMS and a 20-seat document automation system.

"We were faced with the task of building a single information space for the work of the executive bodies of state power of the republic. To do this, it was necessary to create conditions for a complete transition from the traditional paper document flow to paperless electronic technology, automate office processes and the work of departments, build interdepartmental electronic interaction, and so on. We opted for an electronic document management system at EOS. An important role was played by the fact that the system developer provides constant support, in particular, monitors the relevance of the regulatory and methodological framework and, if necessary, makes changes to the system, "comments Evgeny Yanulevich, adviser to the Department of System Resource Administration of the State Committee for Informatization and New Technologies of the Republic.

Now in the system of automation of office-work and document flow of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia all staff of the ministries and departments of the region works, and these are more than 700 jobs. For interdepartmental interaction at the organization of work with documents in addition to EDMS the prosecutor's office of the republic and Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on the Republic of Khakassia, Territorial authority of Federal State Statistics Service and Territorial fund of compulsory health insurance are connected. Interaction of administrative centers of municipalities with SED is carried out through open communication channels through the exchange of documents in electronic form using EDS.

"The movement of paper documents was completely eliminated. As a result, not only the speed of work of specialists increased significantly, but also the costs that inevitably existed during the exchange of paper documents decreased, "Evgeny Yanulevich talks about the advantages of the built SED. "Since the database stores not only accounting information, but also electronic images of documents, employees of executive authorities and administrations of municipalities actively use documentary support as a decision-making tool."

To convert the data of the SED of the government of the republic with electronic systems of federal authorities, an adapter has been created, which, after receiving a secure channel for exchanging information, will allow organizing interdepartmental interaction with the federal executive bodies of state power of the Russian Federation, in terms of electronic document management.

Last year, a pilot project was launched for two departments of the Administration of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra to introduce a new SED. The electronic document management system has been operating in the district administration since 2005: "Code: Document Management" has made it possible to automate the processes of paperwork, organization of electronic document management and the formation of data banks of incoming, outgoing and internal documents, providing prompt access to information with a distinction of access rights, electronic publication of official documents. However, according to the director of the "District Center for Information and Telecommunication Technologies" of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra Stepan Perevertailo, the most pressing task for the authorities is today to extend the SED to all employees within the geographically distributed structure. "Important conditions for electronic interaction between departments and administrations of municipalities are the possibility of full-fledged work through the Web, as well as high technicality in the implementation of standard documentation procedures. In addition, Web technologies will not require the installation of users of the main client application on workplaces, "says Stepan Perevertailo.

According to experts, the important benefits of EOS for SharePoint include the ability to work with the Interagency Electronic Document Management (IEDC) system. The functionality necessary for the organization of interagency cooperation can also be successfully used in the construction of an electronic system for the provision of public services. A striking example of this is the experience of creating a unified electronic document management system (ESED) in state authorities, state bodies and institutions of the Moscow Region. During this project, improvements were made to the software and hardware of the central ECED node on the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) platform and the participating organizations of the unified electronic document management system to ensure electronic interaction through the central node.

Currently, the automation of the internal and external document flow of departmental SED state authorities of the Moscow Region is provided. The ECED Central Node provides effective and guaranteed information exchange between the participants of the interagency electronic interaction.

Currently, the implementation of the subsystem "Unified System of Regulatory Reference and Documented Information" (ESNSI) is ongoing, which ensures interaction between information systems with the preservation of all attributes of the legal significance of electronic documents and database records, and the use of electronic digital signature (EDS) capabilities. In fact, ESNSI is a set of directories and classifiers that allow external systems to update regulatory reference information.

Thus, prudently starting work on the unification of the SED authorities, the Government of the Moscow Region was able to prepare for a change in the norms of 210-FZ. The introduction of the ECED has increased the ability of citizens to exercise their rights to receive public services, and integration with the CEM has ensured the possibility of interdepartmental electronic interaction with other bodies and organizations involved in the provision of state and municipal services.