Customers: UCL Holding (Universal Cargo Logistics Holding) Amsterdam; Logistics and distribution Contractors: Softline Product: Kaspersky Business Space SecurityProject date: 2012/06 - 2012/06
Number of licenses: 3000
The Softline company completed delivery to the international transport UCL Holding group of the solution for ensuring corporate information security of Kaspersky Business Space Security.
Within delivery transition from anti-virus solutions of different producers to protection of Kaspersky Lab for security of more than 3 thousand workstations and servers is performed.
"Transition of the UCL Holding enterprises to the unified platform of antivirus protection was one of stages of the project of creation of a common information space of holding and providing the guaranteed high level of data protection. Earlier at our enterprises software products of antivirus protection of different producers were used. Based on the held tender and complex comparative assessment of functional and technical capabilities of the solutions presented at the market we selected a product of Kaspersky Lab as the tool for reliable protection of a common information space of our holding", – Ilya Kabanov, the CIO noted.