Customers: Blagodenstviye, NPF Irkutsk; Financial services, investments and audit Contractors: Rostelecom Siberia Product: Kontur.DiadokProject date: 2012/04 - 2012/06
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JSC Rostelecom and Blagodenstviye Non-state pension fund completed a pilot project on the organization of electronic document management within which all primary documents between the companies were transferred and signed in electronic form. As the technological solution the Diadoc system is used.
Technical exchange
NPF Blagodenstviye uses communication services from Rostelecom company in several regions of Siberia. Within a pilot project from a billing system of Rostelecom in electronic form accounts, invoices, acts of the performed works and interpretation of the rendered services for all personal accounts of NPF Blagodenstviye were unloaded. They are signed with the electronic signature, loaded into the system of exchange of electronic documents and sent to the customer. Specialists of fund, having received and having checked documents, sent the notification on obtaining documents to MRF "Siberia" of JSC Rostelecom.
As a result the customer (NPF Blagodenstviye) received a set of the signed electronic documents which are originals, and all procedure of transfer of an electronic document package took only several minutes.
As the platform of exchange of external electronic documents the Diadoc system which developer is Kontur special design bureau company is selected. For signing of electronic documents digital signature certificates which can be received in Certification centers of JSC Rostelecom were used.
Transition to electronic exchange of primary documents allowed to remove sharpness of a question of the high costs which are formed during the work with documents as well as essential time and labor costs.
"In the territory of Siberia we service more than 200 thousand corporate clients and monthly we prepare for each of them and we send a complete document package in paper form. - The associate director of Macroregional branch "Siberia" of JSC Rostelecom, the commercial director Valery Belenky, is sure, - Electronic document management is modern and very effective instrument of interaction with our clients who will feel all its benefits and, perhaps, soon completely will refuse paper technologies".