The Baikal bank of Sberbank of Russia completes implementation of a dynamic data processing center
Customers: Baikal bank of Sberbank of Russia Irkutsk; Financial services, investments and audit Contractors: Microsoft Rus Product: Microsoft System Center 2012Project date: 2012/05 - 2012/09
The Baikal bank of Sberbank of Russia and Microsoft company completed the joint project on creation of a dynamic data processing center based on technologies of Microsoft for creation of a private cloud.
In 2011 the IT service of bank carries out the analysis of ways of optimization of the existing infrastructure for support of tasks of the changing business. Besides, it was required:
- Achieve effective use of resources and as much as possible to save the existing investments into the equipment and the software.
- Provide high-quality resource management of DPC which will allow to guarantee high availability of the provided services and at the same time to remove routine operations on support of infrastructure from highly-skilled employees.
- Lower time of deployment of new IT services due to automation of transactions.
- Lay the foundation for further projects, including on migration of separate services in the central DPC of Sberbank of Russia.
Taking into account development of communication channels in the region was decided to begin the project of consolidation of IT resources in a data processing center of the Baikal bank of Sberbank of Russia in Irkutsk based on technologies of Microsoft.
"Active development of our bank demands from IT service of big flexibility, an opportunity to unroll new IT services and to react to change of IT loadings in the shortest possible time. At the same time the royal requirements to availability and quality of the provided services remain. At accomplishment of these requirements we have a number of the limiting factors, such as tough economic framework, staff shortage in the field of IT, especially characteristic of branches. Having studied the products presented at the market both from technology, and from the economic point of view, we stopped the choice on the infrastructure Microsoft platform. Existence of an end-to-end system of management of System Center including management tools a virtual and physical medium, monitoring of services, backup and also process automation in DPC became an important factor of its choice", – Sergey Kuzmin, the head of department of system administration and computing resources UTSIT of the Baikal bank of Sberbank of Russia noticed.
Technologies of Microsoft allowed IT department of Bank to solve assigned tasks. So, the speed of deployment and testing of new services and their input in commercial use many times increased. During the project failover clusters are unrolled - it provides the continuity of providing services even in case of failure of separate hardware components. Specialists of Bank also note economy at service of the hardware.
Now IT specialists of Bank implement the project of transfer of computing powers to the new building of a data processing center. Thanks to technologies of virtualization and management of Microsoft it occurs actually in real time without stopping works of business applications.
Expectations of integrator
"The project on creation of dynamic DPC in the Baikal bank of Sberbank of Russia illustrates advantages of the Microsoft platform to a distributed infrastructure and also high reliability, controllability and scalability of a system. Now we work on development of the project within which specialists of Bank estimate possibilities of the new hypervisor which is built in Windows Server 2012 OS for further increase in scalability and availability of IT infrastructure. Among technologies which will allow IT service of Bank to continue a course towards increase in effective management of resources and the continuity of providing services it is possible to call support of virtual machines and clusters of the superbig size, the expanded network stack, disaster-proof replication of virtual machines", – Alexander Lipkin, the consultant for infrastructure solutions of Microsoft in Russia noted.
The project allowed Bank to optimize expenses on installation and support of the hardware, to accelerate providing IT services and to lay the necessary foundation for implementation of the large-scale project of consolidation of IT resources in the new data processing center located at the central office. Already now in the environment of dynamic DPC key infrastructure and application services of Bank successfully function, including a corporate mail system, portals, DBMS and some other.