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2014/04/01 10:11:46

Basic modules CRM

Three key functional areas of CRM systems are designated by abbreviations of CSS, SFA, MA: they are responsible for automation of support and customer service, automation of activity of sellers and automation of marketing respectively. It is interesting that, according to system integrators, the basic nature of these blocks does not mean at all that all of them will be applied within one project. Let's consider these blocks in more detail.

The directory of CRM solutions and projects is available on TAdviser


Standard CRM blocks of systems:

  1. Customer Service&Support (CSS), or automation of a support service and customer service
  2. Sales Force Automation (SFA), or automation of activity of sellers;
  3. Marketing Automation (MA), or marketing automation.

Automation of customer support (CSS)

Unlike the traditional concept of customer service which assumed only the telephone directory service functioning in the question-answer mode the technique of modern service complete sets assumes more wide range of possibilities, concluded in the CSS applications.

Among them it is possible to select the following main properties on which the quality of functionality of customer service is based:

  • the database containing customer information and contacts with them; a set of these data allows at any moment of interaction with this or that client to define whether this person addressed to the company earlier and with what questions;

  • the structure of a CSS-application allows to provide working interaction not only with territorially remote client users, but also gives an opportunity to the organization of group work with customers and partners in the conditions of industry and regional separation and also provision of services in the remote mode;

  • in the program of the module the possibility of counting of statistics is put at the expense of what it is possible to keep if necessary record of standard questions and difficulties and also formal references based on what afterwards to organize the voice menu;

  • collection of data on potential clients using which it is possible to expand a circle of consumers of the products and services offered by insurance company. Already available contact information is entered on storage in a system and distributed between sellers; their relevance is regularly traced;

  • the possibility of regulation of business communications with partners enters functionality of CSS also at the same level; as well as in a case with the customer base, a system permanent replenishment and updating of the reference information is carried out;

  • a standard set of component parts of a CSS-application contains, as a rule, the module E-business which is responsible for a web part CRM and Online store; a system regularly monitors processing of incoming requests and results of work with them;

  • ensuring safety of documents at circulation through different child structures and branches of the enterprise;

  • modular programs regularly make calculation of the bonus systems and various discounts; thanks to a possibility of remote interaction the client can always check a status of the bonus account on the Internet, and the strict order of storage of data and their instant providing allows to service in real time both clients, and partners;

  • storage of personal customer information if necessary allows to customize the system of personal messages to clients or partners: it can be congratulations, personal any actions invitations and so forth;

  • constant control of customer services allows to achieve increase in customer satisfaction; when accounting these indicators the company has an opportunity to improve quality of the products, thereby increasing loyalty of the existing clients;

  • tracking of terms of the expiration of insurance contracts (a question in which the special accuracy and attentiveness is important, considering the number of clients);

  • in standard properties of a system there is a mechanism of assignment of priorities that allows to render to the client service maintenance depending on value.

The module CSS creates basic level of interaction of the organization and its clients as on the basis of high-quality service the loyalty of target audience forms.

Automation of activity of sellers (SFA)

SFA, the module of automation of activity of sellers, is responsible for sales process of company services with different interfaces. Enter standard functionality of a SFA-application:

  • control over a status of contact information: check of relevance of data as agents of home company, her partners and clients, and competitors and also access to the history of communications on all lines;

  • management of agent activities and sellers; the module which is specially configured in the calendar mode allows to direct business processes of different divisions of the company and also individual employees. Such coordination is performed by means of setup of the list of tasks;

  • different modules of a SFA-application assume a connectivity to the system of communications of the enterprise, whether it be phone, the fax, e-mail or something another; thus management of communication is carried out;

  • in a packet of functionality of the SFA application, the possibility of forecasting of ways of the forthcoming work is available: according to the marketing researches conducted in the company and also the analysis of the reporting of a sales cycle, perspectives of further development are displaid;

  • in the general CRM system information on all the involvement of potential clients inducing factors can be also brought; they are considered further for development of the most effective strategy of business;

  • through the module of management of documentation also there passes obtaining necessary information promotional materials;

  • the analysis of the course of sales and results of work of agents allows to fill up with new information and analytical data the database about efficiency of sales and to respectively trace outdated factors and new marketing acceptances and also trends of changes in needs of clients;

  • work with clients is conducted in several directions: the maximum of information connected directly with sale - cycles, statistics, a territorial binding, reports generation, a sales history, etc. gathers in archives of a system; afterwards these data can be used for profit analysis and losses on each client.

  • a possibility of automatic generation of rates and commercial offers according to the existing conditions and a status of the customer base.

Automation of marketing (MA)

The functionality of the MA application is provided by the modular programs directed on marketing strategies of the enterprise. Among them it is possible to call the following:

  • different analysis techniques of target audience and formation of a circle of own clients; features of consumer groups of the customer base and its certain representatives can be used afterwards in forecasts of business situations and design of strategy of business;

  • a possibility of preparation of the structured lists of potential clients. Such planning allows to optimize time and resources of staff of the company;

  • possibility of plan development of marketing campaigns and means of their carrying out; the same point includes the analysis of results of holding these actions for each customer group and by other parameters;

  • the common software of the module MA includes all necessary methodological and technical devices for the organization and effective carrying out telemarketing;

  • opportunities of the application of automation of marketing carry out also identification and requirement analysis of consumers;

  • besides, the packet of functions usually includes management of potential transactions;

  • ensuring ordered replenishment of the database with data on the products and services, market situation trends provided by the company and also the position information of affairs in business of competitors.