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GAZ Group, management company (WebTutor)

Customers: GAZ Group, management company

Product: WebTutor

Project date: 2009/04

In 2009 based on the Webtutor platform developed by Websoft company in GAZ Group the corporate Intranet portal for the organization of distance learning and communications was unrolled. The purpose of creation of the Educational portal was development of a new mentality of the employee directed to continuous training and development by providing opportunities of professional communication and training in convenient time, at convenient speed to a broad spectrum of the programs necessary for business development.

The educational portal had to solve the following problems:

  • Creation of uniform virtual educational space
  • Accumulation and distribution of corporate knowledge
  • Formation of a pool of internal trainers and experts of the company
  • Organization of communicating processes
  • Organization of internal information service for training and development

As a result of cooperation with Websoft company in GAZ Group was the modern e-learning system including is created and gained further development:

  • base of unique distance programs in the different business directions,
  • digital library of business literature
  • the information service allowing to inform quickly on training and actions, news and events
  • means of internal communication (forums, blogs, professional communities, polls, votes, feedback coupling of users).

The corporate educational portal allows to obtain detailed information on the conducted internal courses and trainings, the lesson schedule, training results and also to browse a photo gallery from the provided trainings of the Corporate university GAZ Groups. Forums allow to discuss quickly and effectively interesting rate, to ask a question to the expert, the administrator, the local coordinator. Integrate within the common working problem, the project, a task perhaps using participation in professional communities.

Using the editor of WebSoft CourseLab specialists of the Corporate University GAZ Groups successfully develop electronic following directions rates: management skills, business communications, quality management, lean production, industrial security and labor protection, IT technologies, finance, marketing, etc. Knowledge – a product unique and expensive and the staff of GAZ Group understands that it is possible to save, increase and extend the necessary corporate knowledge using creation of the remote training product which is laid out on the educational portal. Now on the portal more than 50 distance programs of training and testing created by trainers and experts of GAZ Group are placed.

Due to introduction of basic remote rates it was succeeded to implement the system of continuous training to those regions which were deprived earlier an opportunity to gain necessary business knowledge. Thereby it was succeeded to cut down expenses on business trips of employees and to reduce time for adaptation of new employees. From the moment of implementation for the staff of GAZ Group the Corporate educational portal became almost only public way of obtaining necessary professional knowledge, information and communication means.

"Thanks to the Corporate educational portal in our company the culture of continuous training and employee development successfully is implemented, the mentality, directed to permanent improvement and improvement develops. And learning process from mass and sample passes into the individualized format considering personal and business features of employees. Different formats of use of SDO of resources are implemented, exchange of experience and the best practices is carried out. So, for example, the Corporate educational portal provided information and communication support of the Institute of Internal Trainers and Talent pool projects. Ahead there is a lot more work, but today the culture of distance learning is implemented into the companies quite successfully", - the head of department of distance learning of Non-State Educational Institution "Notes the corporate university "GAZ Groups" Irina Leukhina.