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Rolt engineering


Mobile data processing centers have a row advantage in comparison with stationary data centers. MTSODY more effective: they do not require special infrastructure, term construction is about 2-3 months, they are mobile and can be located with sources of cheap energy. Besides, they can be used for expansion of power of stationary DPCs.

ompaniye Rolt engineering makes module containers in which it is possible to package World Data Centres. These modules can work in extreme temperatures (to - 60 degrees C), conform to requirements of GOST and Rostekhnadzor to the fire extinguishing system, sound insulation, etc.

Now in Russia no more than 10% of the mobile data processing centers (MDPC) work. But in the nearest future activation of this direction is possible – already more than seven companies offer projects of creation of container data centers. All these companies note increase in demand for World Data Centres: for 2011 the number of orders for projects of the mobile centers exceeded the number of orders for 2009-2010. Such large companies as VimpelCom or aircraft manufacturing concern "Irkut" already estimated advantages of mobile data processing centers that, undoubtedly, demonstrates the growing popularity of World Data Centres in the Russian market.

Customers of project data understand that, packaging a data processing center in a container, they will receive "turnkey" completely ready-made product with the minimum finance costs and high payback. World Data Centres can become as the main center for storage and data processing, and reserve.

Wherever your enterprise was placed, you can always set the mobile center there. Availability of ready-made solutions of production of module containers, absence or considerable reduction of such stages as design of infrastructure for stationary DPCs, lead approval of project solutions of supervisory authorities, construction and the minimum requirements to preparation of the platform to considerable reduction of delivery dates and units of World Data Centres for comparison with hospitals by the centers. Also we can implement the project in compliance with individual requirements of each Customer.

The subject of the mobile centers for data processing, or Mobile Data Center (MDC) is often covered in the press, both foreign, and Russian. This attracts interest of domestic entrepreneurs and specialists of the IT industry. Mobile data processing centers are capable to solve a number of problems which often rise before the Russian enterprises working in the field of information technologies. At the moment solutions in the field of World Data Centres are proposed by such reliable and eminent companies as IBM, Sun Microsystems, APC. In the Russian market exists much less producers of the mobile centers, however our company considers this type of activity extremely perspective and in the near future production of block modules for World Data Centres will become one of the priority directions for our company.

The Rolt engineering company can bring to your attention module containers for batching of mobile data processing centers. A module container - the universal production unit allowing quickly and without large investments to place necessary industrial equipment according to the requirement of the Customer. Our company makes module containers for batching of mini-combined heat and power plant, nitric stations, boiler houses, compressor and transformer stations. However we never do not stand still: constantly we improve our production and we look for new ways of development for our company – therefore we developed the project on creation of special module containers for World Data Centres. These specialized mobile premises with the complex of information, telecommunication and engineering infrastructure placed inside connected to communication channels and intended for storage and information processing and also rendering and/or maintenance of rendering a complex of the provided services in the set network segment.

Mobile data processing centers are capable to solve a number of problems which often rise before the Russian enterprises and the organizations working in the field of information technologies. Among such tasks it is possible to select need of deployment of new racks in most short time or creation of new racks for a short time based on the existing main and reserve capacities and components of engineering infrastructure in the absence of premises or at mismatch of the available premises to requirements imposed to DPC.

Besides, World Data Centres allow to create the temporary server premises in volume the moment when stationary is not completed yet or is not put into operation. In the temporary premises the equipment which is necessary for functioning of business during this period can be installed.

Also in case of the shortage of the specialized premises for placement of DPC, either specialists of necessary qualification, or the stationary data processing centers providing the required level of reliability – World Data Centres can become an optimal solution. The mobile DPC can be applied to expansion of infrastructure of IT. At active expansion to regions or merger of other companies branches open without delays, and acquired assets are quickly integrated into uniform information infrastructure.

Now the market of World Data Centres actively develops. Among factors of increase in demand for mobile data processing centers it is possible to call increase in Internet traffic, importance of continuous work of Internet-applications and integration with world economy. Thus, mobile data centers stopped being the niche offer, and became demanded not only in field conditions, but also in megalopolises where there are not enough free areas.

The world changes, and our company changes too, however service quality which we provide, remains permanently high. "Rolt Inzhtiniring" always keeps up to date, saving at the same time reputation of the experienced producer of the reliable equipment.