Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Skartel made the decision on deployment of new support system of business

Customers: Skartel

Contractors: Orga Systems
Product: OS.Convergent

Project date: 2012/07

Skartel LLC starts implementation of a new solution of billing - from Orga Systems company.


Since 2009 Skartel used the solution of CBOSS company, and before, at a start stage, - a billing system of own development. The product caused a set of complaints.

The company starts the first stage - creation of the project of transition of the enterprise from one accounting system to another.


The associate director of department of application solutions of Technoserv integrator of Kirill Kushnarev, change of a BSS system first of all is connected with transition of the operator to LTE technology. "Also the providing fact on its base not only data services, but also voice services is important, - Kirill Kushnarev reflects. - The new industrial platform will allow Yota to build BSS architecture which will keep not only future development of the product proposal of the operator, but will be ready to significant growth of a subscriber base".