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VTB 24 (WebTutor)

Customers: VTB 24

Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit

Product: WebTutor

Project date: 2009/02  - 2010/03
The project team from the customerIntegrator Consultant
Shashenkova Lyubov (Head of department of distance learning)
не указана

The Websoft company, the supplier of complete solutions in the field of automation of selection, training, development and personel assessment, at the beginning of 2010 performed automation of annual assessment of competences of personnel of VTB 24 Bank, having implemented all necessary settings of this procedure according to specifics of business processes of Bank. The WebTutor system, the complex software product for training management, development, adaptation and personel assessment became a basis of the solution.

As a result of implementation of this project the assessment of competences of 15.5 thousand employees is carried out, more than 45 thousand estimated forms are processed, individual recommendations for each estimated employee are received. Thanks to the solution implemented by WebSoft, Bank it was succeeded to reduce labor costs on its administration and also to reduce time of summing up the carried-out assessment.

Before evaluating specialists of WebSoft performed integration of the WebTutor system with the new personnel system used in Bank since the end of 2009 configured data loading from external sources on competences, profiles, standard positions, their levels, steps and also communications between them in the WebTutor system.

Estimated forms on the customer's template were developed for carrying out assessment procedure, document flow of their filling and the statement of estimated forms according to specifics of business processes of Bank is configured. When developing the complex circuit of approval of estimated forms at initiation of the conflict was considered and also even the authority delegation mechanism for a disease or a business trip of the estimating employee is provided, the possibility of prolongation of the procedure for individual employees is implemented.

The expert of the Center of personnel training of VTB 24 Bank Lyubov Shashenkova commented on this project: "Implementation and setup of the module "Personel assessment" of the WebTutor system took place successfully thanks to close interaction of our employees with specialists of WebSoft and to rapid response of staff of this company to all questions and problems arising at us. During our cooperation specialists of WebSoft implemented a large number of additional functions and settings necessary for us in the WebTutor system that allowed to automate completely process of assessment of competences of Bank. We thank Websoft company for the operational, professional help and active interest in implementation of this project".

In turn the CEO of WebSoft Alexey Korolkov noted: "During preparation and implementation of this project the staff of our company was once again convinced of careful reasonableness and thoroughness of the projects implemented in VTB 24 Bank. Specialists of Bank remained are satisfied with a new form of evaluating personnel and already planned another similar procedure for the end of it is the beginning of the next year. Besides, the following project on automation of assessment of activity of internal divisions of Bank which will also be implemented on the WebTutor platform is planned. Use of a new format of assessment procedure provides to VTB 24 Bank an opportunity even more quickly to increase the level of professionalism of the employees taking into account their specific features that, certainly, does this Bank by one of the most attractive in the Russian market".

1. Company Description

1.1. The industries in which the company works

Banking business. VTB 24 bank is the retail bank entering into VTB banking group (Vneshtorgbank). The main area of work of VTB 24 bank – providing financial services to individuals, individual entrepreneurs and small businesses.

1.2. Territorial Distribution

More than 600 branches and additional offices in the territory of the Russian Federation

1.3. Number of Staff

More than 21,000 employees

1.4. Staff Categories Who Use the System

All employees of the bank

2. Solved Problems / Assigned Tasks

2.1. Business Requirements For Implementation

Main objectives:

  • ensuring training for regional branches
  • planning and accounting of the training actions of Bank
  • testing of personnel
  • planning and accounting of a budget expenditure.

2.2. What business processes had to be automated

  • Planning and accounting of processes of external and internal training
  • Distance learning and testing (including automatic purpose of rates and tests to certain categories of personnel)
  • Observation of the course and results of training of employees
  • The organization (within requirements of the Central Bank) training in questions of counteraction of legalization (washing) of income gained in the criminal way and to terrorism financing
  • Planning of the budget and expense accounting.

2.3. Criteria of Successful Implementation at the Planning Stage

  • Successful functioning of the DO system, testing, Training Center
  • Opening of the Educational Portal available to all employees of the bank in all branches

At the moment (September, 2008) at a stage of development of a system, the following main criteria of success are selected:

  • "automation" of learning processes for 60% to the middle 2009, for 80% - by the end of 2009
  • achievement of an indicator not less than 40,000 cheloveko-rates a year on distance learning
  • scope remote rates not less than 60% of personnel – for 2009, not less than 80% - for 2010

2.4. Project Planning (Requirements, Analysis of Business Processes).)

At a system implementation stage:

There were particular purposes for which implementation a system will be implemented, and issues of that are resolved, how exactly it will function, - on the basis of these solutions was made by terms of reference.

At a stage of development of a system:

Development of a system is performed in two main directions: process automation of training and development of a line of remote rates. Therefore action plans in this directions were made: schedule of development / purchase of remote rates and plan of process automation. For drawing up these plans requirements analysis of Bank was carried out and on the basis of this analysis the corresponding plans were made.

3. Project Parameters

3.1. Terms of Implementation and Milestones of the Project

Installation of a system – February, 2007 Trial operation of a system (preparation of a system, test implementation in the selected divisions, several additional offices of Moscow and MO and several branches) – till March, 2008 Completion of a system and its filling; preparation, approval and signing of regulations on operation of a system – until the end of August, 2008 Start of a system in commercial operation (on all Bank at once, including all branches) – on September 1, 2008

3.2. Project Team on Customer Side (from IT and grom HR). Roles in the Team, How the Interaction Took Place

  • The project manager – full employment on the project (from HR) - the general coordination of the project
  • The specialist (from HR) - full employment – coordination of the technical moments of the project.
  • The specialist from IT who is partially occupied in the project - responsible for unloading of personnel base.
  • Single involvement of some IT specialists – for testing of channels, establishing backup of a system, etc.

3.3. The Main Difficulties During the Project

It is unlikely it is possible to call "difficulties" the moments which it was necessary to face during project implementation. Generally it were just the issues requiring the operational solution which successfully were resolved in a regular order.

A system was not delivered on maintenance in IT department therefore at system implementation in commercial operation the project team faced small resistance from IT. But by negotiations and explanations on system operation, its interaction with other systems, etc. employees successfully overcame this resistance and IT now willingly help them in case of need.

3.4. Did the Time and Financial Costs Correspond to the Previously Planned

Finance costs – yes. Time expenditure exceeded earlier planned a little.

3.5. What restrictions of IT infrastructure affected the project

At implementation there were concerns that the limitation of some channels will not allow regional offices to use a centralized system successfully. But while everything works normally and even at channel 512kbit/s overloads are not noticed. And, nevertheless, in case of need employees are ready to throw all forces on creation of distributed system.

Also not at once it was succeeded to load data from a personnel system into WebTutor. But as a result it became clear that the base moved from the server to the server and because of it there was no unloading of data. After identification of the reason of a problem it was right there solved: database paths were recovered and all necessary information was successfully loaded into the WebTutor system.

4. Project Development

4.1. Development plans (what automation of business processes is still planned)

  • Further development of a system regarding automation of the main business processes connected with personnel training including further development of rates, process automation of training in questions of counteraction of legalization (washing) of income gained in the criminal way and to terrorism financing, etc. up to full automation of processes of internal and external training: from scheduling before obtaining the reporting like "plan fact".
  • Holding web conferences and webinars using technology of the Virtual class
  • Goal setting of employees according to plans of their development and assessment of accomplishment of these purposes

4.2. Filling With Content - How to Solve the Problem

Rates are currently developed for the Bank front office (until the end of this year about 30 rates are planned), the next year is a line of rates for a back office, underwriting, etc. Some navykovy rates also are planned for the next year: on negotiations, solution to the conflicts, an interview, mentoring, etc.

Rates are developed by both internal developers, and external. All product rates are developed by own forces of specialists of Bank.

4.3. Team to Support and Develop the System

Currently in a project team 2 persons:

  • project manager responsible for development of a system
  • specialist who is responsible for technical aspect of a system.

Both employees are involved as well in development of rates. The person is planned for administration of a system: purpose of rates, introduction of actions, maintaining news, forums, etc.

5. Project Results

5.1. Results (Quantitative And Qualitative)

  • The Educational portal available to all employees of the bank is open
  • Employees actively use the Educational portal
  • The first electronic rates are by own efforts already created
  • For the first month of commercial operation of a system – 4,589 cheloveko-rates

5.2. Economic Efficiency

At this stage it is difficult to estimate cost efficiency since a system was started also by the main objective only recently there is, still, a further development of a system. Efficiency evaluation can be made towards the end of the next year (2009) when all actions for development are executed and there will pass year from the moment of commercial operation of a system (a system was started on the first of September this year).

5.3. The Most Significant Results Are Something Most Notable

Very often in big structures implementation of the similar systems at first is not always perceived positively. In VTB 24, on the contrary, employees were glad to system implementation. The project team considers it the greatest achievement at implementation. Positive reaction of employees is the most important indicator of success of the done work.

5.4. Reaction of Staff of the Company on System Implementation

Employees showed very great interest to the Educational Portal. Many requests for the existing rates arrive and also it is a lot of questions concerning what are planned rates in the nearest future, etc.

5.5. A feedback from management according to the results of system implementation

System implementation was waited practically by all Bank therefore the project team received congratulations from many heads.