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The USA after Japan refuses 2G-networks. Russia does not hurry

09.08.12, 16:41, Msk
Текст: Anna Fadeyeva

The American operator AT&T announced intention to refuse networks of the second generation. In Russia 2G more than 70% of subscribers of cellular communication use services.


The USA almost refused 2G

The American operator AT&T by January 1, 2017 completely will refuse networks of the second generation of the GSM standard for benefit of 3G and 4G, Wall Street Journal reports. The company thus wants will focus on upgrade of communication networks especially as only about 12% of her subscriber base use services of the second generation.

It is planned that in addition to voice services, the company will refuse data transmission on EDGE technology.

In AT&T reported that will recommend to the subscribers using range devices 2G, to pass to more modern devices. However, whether additional measures of stimulation of replacement of tubes will be undertaken, in the company did not report.

AT&T brought into operation 4G network in September, 2011. The company works at networks of the second generation from the middle of the 90th years.

Japan refused 2G in April, 2010

The Japanese cellular operators refused use of networks of the second generation in April, 2010, having recognized this technology strongly outdate and not having demand.

Testing of 3G networks in Japan began in 2001. Now the vast majority of subscribers of cellular communication in the country use 3G and 4G.

2G in Russia there will live 10-15 years

As reported TAdviser in the cellular companies of "the big three" (VimpelCom, MTS, Megafon), only a third of subscribers of operators use phones and other devices supporting network of third generation not to mention LTE.

The press secretary Yuli Dorokhin's Megafon in a conversation with the correspondent of TAdviser reported that about 70% of subscribers of the company use phones 2G of range, and only 30% - the devices supporting third generation. "In MTS network of users 3G about a third", - the press secretary of MTS Valeria Kuzmenko told TAdviser. The press secretary VimpelCom Anna Aybasheva reported that among subscribers of the company there are users 3G occupies less than a half.

"Tele2 mobile operator has no licenses 3G therefore the company works in networks of the second generation", - the expert of the market of communication Alexander Bakhorin reported TAdviser. According to him, the level of penetration of smartphones among subscribers of Tele2 is 13-14%, penetration of the telephone sets supporting network of third generation, 20-25% depending on the region.

Perspectives of networks 2G in Russia

The experts and analysts polled by the correspondent of TAdviser unanimously said that in the medium term networks 2G in Russia are not threatened by shutdown.

Bakhorin is sure that in the next 4-5 years the network of the second generation will be the main transmission channel of a voice and SMS.

According to Aybasheva, shutdown 2G is possible only in case of abrupt and general junction on 3G that hardly happens. About possible terms of failure from 2G she evaded the question, having reported that everything will depend on the speed of penetration of third generation among subscribers.

"By our estimates, shutdown of GSM network will not happen in Russia about 10-15 more years. It is one of the simplest and inexpensive standards of communication in the world with which it is convenient not only in "home" network, but also in a roaming zone", - Yulia Dorokhina from MegaFon says.

The analyst of iKS-consulting Maxim Savvatin is sure that 2G it will not be disconnected in Russia at all. VimpelCom in the Far East still puts into operation 2G. "Potential of this generation is up to the end not exhausted therefore it is economically unprofitable", - Savvatin reported TAdviser.
