Customers: Boutique of the Caprize Whim footwear Contractors: 1C: April Software Product: 1C: Trade Management 8На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2012/07 - 2012/08
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Specialists of April Software company completed implementation of the software product "1C:Enterprise 8. Trade management" in "Boutique of the Caprize Whim footwear".
Trade automation increases the speed of work of personnel and the service level of buyers. So solved the management of "Boutique of the Caprize Whim footwear" Besides it also an opportunity to keep account and goods control at qualitatively new level.
The management of "Boutique of the Caprize Whim footwear" asked for the help in April Software company. Specialists of April Software company offered for implementation of the tasks the software product "1C:Enterprise 8. Trade management", this application solution on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform is intended to shopping mall for business process automation retail and wholesales in shops and in others of retail outlets, including united in retail chain stores.
Specialists of April Software company made installation of the 1C: Trade Management 8 software product and a retail store equipment in shop, initial setup and initial personnel training to work in software "1C: Trade Management 8".
Thus, in "Boutique of the Caprize Whim footwear" are automated accounting of trade inventories in warehouses of shops and the cash accounting in cash desks of shops. In the 1C: Trade Management 8 program mechanisms of formation of price labels and labels are implemented.
Registration of transactions is also automated:
- arrival of goods from partners on warehouses of shop
- sales of goods and services to the partner
- returns of goods from buyers, including return after closing of cash change
- inventory of trade inventories
- design receipt and cash payment orders directly in shops
- execution of checks of sale
- movement of cash between internal cash desks and many other things.
System implementation of automation of retail with the help "1C: Trade Management 8" allows not only effectively and to manage quickly shop, but also to save means.