In JSC Dzerzhinskoye orgsteklo the solution to automate accounting is followed by implementation of ERP
Customers: Dzerzhinsk organic glass Contractors: 1C: April Software Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2009/01 - 2010/02
Number of licenses: 50
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The April Software company completed system implementation "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" for JSC Dzerzhinskoye orgsteklo.
At the end of 2008 at the JSC Dzerzhinskoye orgsteklo enterprise there was a need of implementation of the new automation system. The reason - the system operating at the enterprise did not meet the requirements of management accounting.
For automation of different types of accounting a modern ERP system "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" as it met all imposed requirements was selected, providing:
1. A common information space for the organization instead of the available separate accounting systems. 2. Existence of uniform reference books qualifiers (the nomenclature, partners and other) which all divisions and services of the enterprise use. 3. An opportunity to keep account in uniform base for different legal entities.
In January, 2009 the agreement on conducting works on automation using the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 system is signed with April Software company.
Works on creation of a technique of implementation of software "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8", user training and programmers (for example - to data transfer in 1C), consultation are preposted during implementation on a user mode of work with the program, creation of external processings and reports, error correction of users.
Project Objectives
1. Creation of the unified information system for operational accounting, including for the consolidated accounting on different legal entities
2. Automation of maintaining different types of accounting with further increase in efficiency of entering of information and obtaining necessary credentials. System implementation "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" was conducted on the following subsystems:
- personnel management
- payroll
- calculation of price-work salary for a dress
- accounting
- tax accounting
- cash management
- the block on material accounting
- purchase management
- inventory management
- cost accounting
- sales planning
- cost accounting
- production management
In a work progress by employees April of Software the presentation of managerial reports and analytics for leadership team is held, the plan of implementation for blocks is prepared, then the presentation for financial service is held, the principles of implementation of blocks are developed for financial service, blocks on arrival and shipment of products, production planning and a finished goods warehouse. Methods of carrying out accounting transactions are developed: the scheme the document of the tooborot, limits, distribution of materials to release, MPZ in warehouses, accounting of finished goods, raw materials arrival.
At the beginning of 2010 all effective objectives were successfully achieved and a system on the specified blocks is put into commercial operation. 50 jobs are automated.