Developers: | Powercom (Pauerkom-service) |
Date of the premiere of the system: | September, 2012 |
Technology: | UPS - Uninterruptible power supply units |
In September, 2012 Powercom provided Phantom — new a series linearly - interactive UPSes which is provided in two capacities: 500 and 600 VA. The universal Phantom model is intended for computers and routers, for television and Hi-fi-equipments — for protection of the different household and office equipment against standard Russian problems of power supply and also providing back power supply of the equipment.
The new UPS can be used and as the power conditioner if the main problem of power supply is a lowered or increased tension and as reserve electric power supply — at absence power supply network tension.
Uniqueness of new Uninterruptible power supply unit of Phantom — in a combination of parameters. It has three euro sockets on the supercompact body that allows to connect the PC, the monitor and the router. If the UPS is necessary for protection of household appliances, then it is possible to connect the TV, the home theater and access point to the PTM 600 VA model. Also this model is distinguished by the expanded control range of the power conditioner: from 140 to 300 V:
The configured control range of input voltage allows to adapt Phantom for local tension. For example, if in the house or office the most typical tension not of 220 V, but only 150 V, then with Phantom application your equipment receives with guarantee a power supply of 220 V and at the same time the UPS accumulator will not be involved even.
The new microprocessor allowed to implement longer term of service of the rechargeable battery at the expense of a new algorithm of charging taking into account temperature compensation.
The Phantom series is delivered in two modifications: with the USB interface — for the computer equipment — with a connectivity to the PC for monitoring and control; without remote control — for a television technique and Hi — Fi of the equipment. Except basic purpose of the UPS — back power supply of the equipment and voltage stabilization — in a product are implemented all basic functions: Green Mode energy saving mode, "cold" start, the time cut-out for short circuit protection and overloads.
Phantom should be interesting as retail buyers — to protection of household appliances, and to business customers as a modern profitable multifunction and reliable product for providing back power supply of the computer equipment.