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The Peshelansky plaster plant "Dekor-1" operates a resource management system of the enterprise

Customers: Decor-1 Peshelansky plaster plant

Contractors: 1C: April Software
Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2008/02  - 2009/12


The April Software company performed the ERP system implementation project "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" in Peshelansky company the plaster plant "Dekor-1", reported April Software on September 25, 2012.


The existing enterprise management system became outdated and did not meet the requirements necessary for maintaining different types of accounting against the background of the active growth and development of the enterprise. With respect thereto, fall of 2008 at the enterprise there was a need of implementation of the new automation system.

The company management imposed the following requirements to a new system:

  • A common information space for the organization: operational inventory and production accounting; accounting and tax accounting; financial and budget management.

  • Existence of uniform reference books qualifiers (the nomenclature, partners and other) which all divisions and services of the enterprise use.

  • Lack of repeated data recording and formation manually sets of duplicative reports.

Taking into account all above-mentioned requirements a choice was made for benefit of the ERP system "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8".

Implement an implementation project the April Software company having considerable experience of system implementation "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" at manufacturing enterprises is invited.

Purposes and project tasks of implementation:

  • Calculation of accounting cost value. (Automatic cost accounting by types of products, an opportunity to receive reports on comparison of planned and actual cost of products).

  • Automation of calculations for income tax. (Automatic filling of the declaration on income tax).

  • Inventory management. (A system should replace the existing system of accounting of the central warehouse, at the same time expansion of functionality is necessary for accounting in the system of division customer and the direction of write-off of Inventories. The system of an inventory control should include finished goods warehouses which are at the moment not automated).

  • Sales management. (Replacement of the existing system in respect of document creation on shipment of products, a possibility of conducting price analysis of competitors, support by the system of flexible pricing).


Within the project the following subsystems are implemented:

  • inventory management
  • sales management
  • accounting
  • tax accounting

In April, 2009 a system is brought into commercial operation. Implementation was performed by the project team including leading specialists of the company - the contractor. It allowed to implement successfully the project in the planned terms and to achieve effective objectives.


With system implementation "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" the enterprise received the convenient tool for business process management and the analysis of activity of the company. Labor costs at information input decreased, maintaining different types of accounting is performed to unified information environment.

In a system 30 users work. Expansion to 50 jobs is planned.