Customers: Kvazar (Novokuznetsk) Group Novokuznetsk; Electrical equipment and microelectronics Contractors: Advanta Advanta Product: Advanta is a project management systemProject date: 2009/12 - 2009/12
The project team from the customer | Integrator Consultant |
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The Advanta Group company completed the Advanta system implementation project in Kvazar company, the leading technical company of the city of Novokuznetsk.
Creation of a management system for the company founded on a project method of management was a project objective. Now any activity of the company, including development, promotion, sales and maintenance of work of office, is considered by the management as the independent projects having the terms, executives in charge and restrictions on the budget.
The project management module on primary activity of the company - system integration of video surveillance systems and the security fire warning was in parallel implemented.
Now, thanks to the fact that all activity of the company in the form of projects and tasks is in a single system it was succeeded to create the full budget of the company including the planned and actual expenses by cost items.
At the first stage of an implementation project company executives and chiefs of departments jointly with the specialist of Advanta Group company constructed structure of the company and simulated project lifecycles on all activities.
The main requirements to a system were as a result formulated. On the basis of collected requirements the specialist of Advanta Group designed the first option of system configuration where templates of development projects, promotions, supports of assets, sales, productions, service support and also projects and problems of maintenance of activity of office were individually configured. Forms of requests for service maintenance, financing and service support (Service Desk) were developed.
At the second stage of the project user training to technology of work in a system was provided. Training took place on groups. In learning process the register of projects of the organization for all activities was entered into the system.
As methodical support of implementation, at the last stage future users of a system took eight hour "Introduction to Project Management" course.
The CEO of Kvazar company Ivanov Sergey Yakovlevich noted: "System implementation of project management allows us to take major steps in the direction of achievement of strategic objectives of the company. For example, using a system we received transparency of all business processes in the company and, the most important that any activity is coordinated to the general financial result now. In the nearest future the company management will have an opportunity to see the current situation, both in a works cut, and in a cut of finance, and not only online in a workplace, but also from any place where there is an Internet connection".
The company is going to organize access to a system including for primary clients to provide them operational information about promotion of their orders.
Besides, the Kvazar company expands the territorial network of customer service, and now technical opening of branch in any city is a question of several hours.
According to Vyacheslav Novoselov, the project manager from Advanta Group, "it was very pleasant to work in such harmonious collective where all employees work for a common goal of the company. System implementation passed on the fertile field of a common understanding of integration of modern methods of management. Each user saw for himself the advantages in implementation of the projects in uniform information base".