"The Karpinsky electromachine-building plant" implements the solution of control automation by production
Customers: Karpinsky electromachine-building plant (KEMZ) Karpinsk; Mechanical engineering and instrument making Contractors: RIC 1C Product: 1C:Enterprise 8.3На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2008/03 - 2012/09
At Karpinsky electromachine-building plant with the assistance of RITs company implementation of the end-to-end information system "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" is complete.
For setting of accounting and management at high technology level according to requirements of the Russian legislation the management of Karpinsky electromachine-building plant made the decision on implementation of the end-to-end information system "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8".
The important role when choosing an accounting system for company management was played that the solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" is the multifunction system developed on the modern platform "1C:Enterprise 8" and also the fact that 1C Company performs operational updating of a configuration according to the current legislation.
As the partner in implementation of the software product the RITs company - the leading "Competence Center on production" of 1C Company was selected from Yekaterinburg.
Staff of RITs company performed the following standard works on product introduction "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management":
- Installation of a product at the client;
- Consultations of the client on the questions arising during studying of a product;
- Inspection and drawing up terms of reference;
- Consulting services are rendered;
- Input of initial data is performed;
- Data transfer is executed of the replaced systems;
- User training is provided;
- The subsystem is put into trial operation;
- Operational testing of a subsystem is held;
- Transfer of a subsystem of accounting to operation.
Now consultations of users of a system routinely are performed.
Project Tasks: Cash accounting, settlings with partners. Accounting of inventory items. Fixed asset accounting. Accounting of trade and production operations. Accounting of intangible assets. Personnel records. Payroll.
Project Results: the software product is implemented on the specified sections of automation and works in the mode of commercial operation. Users work in the unified information system, the management obtains operational information about a status of business processes of the enterprise.