Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


The name of the base system (platform): Oracle Business Intelligence
Developers: FORS group
Branches: Financial services, investments and audit
Technology: BI


QUBER — the system of the analytical reporting is developed especially for the Russian banks on the Oracle Business Intelligence platform.

Implementation of QUBER in bank

  • use of the unified terminology within a uniform logical data model
  • possibility of creation of any analytical requests and reports on any reporting date
  • integration of the reporting of bank within the single Oracle BI reporting and analytical platform
  • sale of mechanisms of formation and operating control of the management and analytical reporting of bank
  • reduction of time of reporting and increase in its quality.

Functional and technology architecture and QUBER components

Data units as a part of a functional architecture of data marts of QUBER

  • General bank reference books: Currencies, Countries and Regions, Types and Categories of clients, Products, etc.
  • Reference books of structural divisions of bank: Branches, Sales points, Profit centers
  • Accounting data structures: Hierarchy of balance sheet items, Hierarchy of articles of an income/expenses, Personal accounts, Remaining balance, Turnovers, Postings
  • Data structures of accounting of transactions of credit and deposit character: Agreements, Tranches, Repayment schedules, Portfolios, Reserves
  • Structures of the analysis of planned targets: Plan for attraction/placement, Plan for income
  • Show-windows of aggregated data: Balances (Daily, Monthly, Plan-Fakt), Income and expenditure statement, Portfolios of agreements, Payment schedule.

The uniform logical data model allows users of QUBER to create independently any "flexible" analytical requests in terms of business entities, without penetrating into structures of information storage, communication of tables and other technical aspects.

Data domains within a logical model of the basic version

  • Remaining balance & Turnovers on accounts
  • Income & Expenses
  • Corporate & Portfolio transactions
  • Charges & Delays
  • Money transfers
  • Currency rates & Market rates.

In the basic version of QUBER on the basis of a logical data model a set of the analytical reports placed on interactive dashboards which list can be expanded and structure is delivered it is modified according to requirements of bank:

  • Balance sheet layout
  • Revenue breakdown and expenses
  • Analysis of the loan portfolio: A current status (grouping/interpretation on a reporting date); Issues/repayments for the period (with calculation of the weighted average terms and interest rates); Assets on the terms which remained before repayment
  • Dynamics of change of the loan portfolio: Plan/fact, Total amount of debt, Arrears, Percent
  • Analysis of a deposit portfolio: A current status (grouping/interpretation on a reporting date); Attraction for the period (calculation of the weighted average terms and interest rates); Liabilities on the terms which remained before repayment
  • Dynamics of sales of credit/deposit products
  • Analysis of arrears: A current status on a reporting date; On emergence terms
  • Analysis of charges: Percent, Commissions, Penalties on charge terms
  • Analysis of accomplishment of planned targets: Plan/fact remaining balance, sale Plan/fact
  • Analysis of payments: Ratings; Distribution; Contrastive analysis over the countries, partners, branches, etc.
  • Macroeconomic trends: Currency rates; Market rates.

Main functionality of QUBER

  • report generation and analytical selections for any date
  • creation of any analytical requests in business terms (branch, the client, the account, a product, a remaining balance, etc.)

  • the analysis of economic indicators at any levels of aggregation in different analytical cuts (branch, currency, the client, a product, the client's parameters, etc.) with possible accounting of the terms which remained before repayment (with any borders of the temporary periods)

  • detailing and navigation from any level of aggregation in sets of reporting data connected on a product, a portfolio, currency, the balance account and other attributes for operating control of correctness of calculation

  • calculation of economic indicators for the diverse data which are stored in different sources
  • viewing analytical reports via the Internet-browser
  • placement of diverse analytical information (tables, charts, speedometers, the formatted text) on one dashboard

  • unloading of any results of analytical calculations in the MS Excel, Adobe Acrobat (PDF), Power Point, HTML
  • work with dashboards using mobile devices (iPad/iPhone).

Product introduction project implementation stages

  • Refining of requirements of bank, identification of the directions of completion of basic functionality, analysis of data sources
  • Development of technical specifications on system implementation
  • Adaptation of the solution to requirements of bank regarding data structures and completion of a uniform logical data model of QUBER (if necessary)
  • Specification of logic of filling of data marts, implementation of loading procedures of show-windows
  • Implementation new and adaptation of ready reports to requirements of bank
  • System testing
  • User training, input of a system in operation.