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Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

MBOU lyceum No. 9 (Krasnoyarsk)


Number of employees
2017 year

Lyceum No. 9 is the right receiver of high comprehensive school No. 71 which is open in 1975.

The status of lyceum is given in 2003.

Address: 660093, Krasnoyarsk, Semafornaya St., 247a, ph., fax: (391) 236-61-00, (391) 236-52-57, ph. of the deputy director: (301)236-52-57, (391)236-64-46, ph. of accounting (391)236-41-23

The director of lyceum Osetrova Irina Gennadyevna, has an industry award "The honorary worker of the general education", a rank "Honored Teacher of Krasnoyarsk Krai", is awarded with the medal "Gold Municipal Coat of Arms of Krasnoyarsk" for special merits before the city.

In total in lyceum – 174 workers. From them pedagogical workers – 132 people 4 candidates of science. 23 young specialists.