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The name of the base system (platform): CloudServer by ActiveCloud (Softline)
Developers: Unicloud
Date of the premiere of the system: October, 2012
Technology: SaaS - Software as service

Unicloud entering into IT holding – the company consisting of a team of talented developers in which mentors from Germany, Russia and residents Skolkovo work. Only in one year Unicloud developed and put the system in production and entered into Skolkovo Foundation.

As a result of effective cooperation of Unicloud and ActiveCloud by Softline the project on a cloud platform which is expected the many thousands user audience which is in different time zones was started. A new cloud system allows to automate effectively basic processes of small and medium business, to organize joint work between the companies thanks to an option on maintaining joint projects, tasks, discussion, file sharing, agreement signature and acts using the electronic signature.

The CEO of Unicloud company Torshin Dmitry tells: "After development of the system of we were faced by the choice of the IT platform at which the solution will work. We considered a set of options – from purchase of servers and creation of a node from ourselves at office before a design of world-class Data centers. Having weighed everything pros and cons, we stopped on cloud infrastructure of CloudServer from ActiveCloud company in which we saw an optimal combination of quality, reliability and price".

Now the cloud system allows to set easily tasks for any command and to control the course of their accomplishment. The main system performance are: simplicity, clearness and efficiency of the user interface, easily configured process of interaction between partners and employees. is stable and works with information, business and critical for users, conforms to FZ-152 and requirements to placement of personal data in the territory of the Russian Federation.

In the course of creation of a product a number of the closed testings with participation of more than 200 users who confirmed that systems capabilities are demanded and sufficient for 90% was carried out. As practice showed, even novice users quickly accustomed to the new interface. Use of a cloud service of CloudServer for placement of infrastructure of completely answers cloud specifics of the Unicloud project. Thanks to it a system is easily scaled, i.e. capacities can be increased when building number of clients, and the reliable clustering allows to provide its fault tolerance.