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GroupCamp Project

Developers: GroupCamp
Date of the premiere of the system: 01/01/2008
Last Release Date: 30/10/2012
Technology: SaaS - Software as service,  Project management systems


Applications for project management based on a cloud allow not only to keep qualitatively projects, but also it is better to calculate their budget

Differentiate itself through maintaining projects

Whatever was your field of activity, sooner or later you face work on projects of clients. New applications online as, for example, GroupCamp, will allow you to achieve the best results, leaving completely transparent your relations with the client. Having invited him to join management (and to tracking) the project, the client will be aware always of work planning, the main stages of the project, etc. Receiving, thus, an active role in project life, the client will feel bigger trust to your company and services. Today, this method of maintaining projects is revolutionary, reserving far usual to us a mail reports on last negotiations.

Work with clients: communication, cooperation and synchronization

Work with clients, also as well as work in collective, assumes, mainly, Communication, Cooperation and Synchronization between the internal command responsible for the project, and a team of the client. The application offers a set of opportunities for convenient cooperation, for example:

  • Store and share information in one place. Secure access is open for users of the project even if they are in the different countries.
  • Define action plans for the organization of exhibitions, annual meetings, a visit of clients, etc.
  • Edit data on the joint tender, the general project, the report, a research of the market and other.
  • Create "box" of the ideas, space for discussion;
  • Share the schedule, synchronize it about office tools (Outlook, Google Agenda, etc.).
  • Create and appoint tasks with accomplishment terms, trace them on a mail (comments, complete tasks, etc.)

The abundance of information demands from managers of creation of uniform space for joint work, without being content with more communication on a mail.

Public safe space for work

If you wish to inform of some information of your clients, suppliers or partners, then you need to invite only them in safe to ekstraset (SSL of 256 bits is access to https). You control their access to network.

Advantage of this work type online obviously: the general working space is created less than in a minute. You also have an opportunity to test a project management system online free of charge, without any obligations. Further, within several minutes, you complement with information space and invite employees. Work with the client and/or on the project began.

Cooperation with the client and maintaining documentation

If you wish to give access only to documents in your safe space, then you should create the project and to activate only the application Documents.

The role of the administrator allows you to permit, or to prohibit employees loading of new documents in the project. For the enterprises using the Google application of Apps for Business, GroupCamp gives the chance to get access to the documents which are stored directly in Google Drive space.

Share the schedule of the project with the client

One of the major stages in project management online is project planning, its schedule. The GroupCamp application of the Milestone allows to share key dates of the project, to synchronize them with the calendar in Microsoft Outlook or Google Calendar. The daily log is available to all in the section the Overview of the project.

Add space for discussions to ekstraset

Within the project you can activate the application of Discussion. Your employees will be able to browse the discussions classified by headings and, of course, to participate in them.

GroupCamp Project pluses:

  • You can permit / prohibit creation of headings and discussions;
  • You decide whether it is worth permitting discussions on e-mail. In case of confidentiality of information, authorize discussions only within an ekstarseta.
  • Add the general space for editing articles to ekstraset
  • several people at the same time can work on accomplishment of one task. Comments can help and accelerate its completion only;
  • you can organize tasks in lists of a subject;
  • to you to solve whether the participants invited in the project will be able to create task lists, or tasks;
  • you can set priorities for tasks;
  • through the e-mail  address drop box, you can create tasks, just sending a mail.

And at last, the most important, time management of the project The Time application is created for you, activate it in your project and let's access to each project participant register time spent for work.

You can also add the application of the Wiki thanks to which you will manage to create space for publication / editing documents easily. Pages of the Wiki will be integrated among themselves by links according to which it is possible to be guided according to the Wiki. Your employees can make the contribution: browse, change articles, write to them summaries. One written article requires the consent of all participants whose comments you will be able to receive by e-mail.

Task allocation with your client

Your project can be allocated also with the application of the Task, one of the main points for successful maintaining the project. Together with employees, you solve who will be responsible over this or that task. All participants of an ekstraseta can monitor accomplishment of tasks.