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Баннер в шапке 2

1C: Budget of the municipal entity

The name of the base system (platform): 1C:Enterprise 8.3
Developers: 1C Joint Stock Company
Last Release Date: 2016
Branches: Government and social institutions
Technology: Accounting systems

Software product "1C: The budget of municipal entity 8" represents the standard application solution intended for automation of activity of the bodies organizing execution of budgets of city or rural settlements, municipal districts, city districts and intracity territories of the federal cities (financial bodies of municipal entities).

Software product "1C: The budget of municipal entity 8" provides work on different option of cash services of execution of budgets:

  • With opening in body of Federal Treasury of the personal account (with code 02) to the financial (authorized) body organizing budget implementation of the municipal entity (the first option of cash services);
  • With opening in bodies of Federal Treasury of personal accounts to the main managers, managers and (or) receivers of budget funds (the second option of cash services);
  • With opening of the personal account of the budget to financial body and implementation by body of Federal Treasury of separate functions for budget implementation of the municipal entity (combination of two previous options of cash services).
  • Along with it, work with the checking accounts opened by financial body in credit institutions for accounting of means on personal accounts of organizations and also for providing them is supported by cash.

We draw the attention of users and partners – the software product "1C: The budget of municipal entity 8" (unlike "1C: The budget of the settlement 8") allows to work by any option of cash services according to the order of Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation of 10/10/2008 N of 8 N (an edition of 12/27/2011) and also automates process of service of checking accounts FO on accounting of means on personal accounts of budget and autonomous institutions.

Application solution "1C: The budget of municipal entity 8" it is developed according to requirements of the existing budget legislation and instructions of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation:

  • The order of Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation of 10/10/2008 N of 8 N (an edition of 12/27/2011) "About an order of cash services of execution of the federal budget, budgets of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation and local budgets and a procedure by territorial authorities of Federal Treasury of separate functions of financial bodies of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal entities on execution of the corresponding budgets"
  • Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 12/1/2010 No. 157n "About the statement of the Unified plan of accounts of accounting for state authorities (state bodies), local government authorities, governing bodies of state non-budgetary funds, state academies of Sciences, public (municipal) institutions and Instruction for its application";
  • Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 12/6/2010 No. 162n "About the approval of the Chart of accounts of budget accounting and Instruction for its application";
  • Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 11/21/2011 No. 180n "About the approval of Instructions on an order of use of budget classification of the Russian Federation";
  • The order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 12/15/2010 No. 173n "About the statement of forms of primary accounting documents and bookkeeping registers applied by public authorities (state bodies), local government authorities, governing bodies of state non-budgetary funds, the state academies of Sciences, the public (municipal) institutions and Methodical instructions on their application"
  • The order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 12/28/2010 No. 191n (an edition of 12/29/2011) "About the approval of the Instruction about an order of drawing up and submission of annual, quarter and monthly accounts about execution of budgets of a budget system of the Russian Federation"
  • Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 9/7/2007 N of 76 N "About the Order of submission of registers of payment commitments of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation and codes of registers of payment commitments of the municipal entities which are a part of the territorial subject of the Russian Federation"

The configuration implements standard methodology of planning, authorization, accounting, control and analysis of budget implementation, provides the high level of automation of budget process and provides the following functionality:

  • Formation of the draft budget;
  • Maintaining register of payment commitments;
  • Formation and refining of the profit and loss budget on revenue-producing activities;
  • Formation, statement, distribution and refining of budgetary appropriations;
  • Formation, statement, distribution and refining of limits of budget commitments;
  • Maintaining and refining of plans (diagrams) of financing of organizations (cash expense plan);
  • Maintaining and refining of the plan of budget revenues (cash plan of income);
  • Selection, finishing and distribution of the amounts of financing of expenses;
  • Accounting of budget commitments;
  • Maintaining personal accounts of managers of budgetary funds, receivers of budgetary funds, chief managers of budget deficit financing sources and administrators of budget deficit financing sources;
  • Authorization of payments and management of cash payments from the budget;
  • Accounting of cash receipt of funds in the budget;
  • Accounting of cash leavings of budget funds;
  • Accounting of not cash transactions;
  • Accounting of plans of financial and economic activity of budgetary institutions;
  • Accounting of obligations of budgetary institutions;
  • Maintaining personal accounts of budget and autonomous institutions;
  • Authorization of payments and management of cash payments of budget and autonomous institutions;
  • Accounting of cash revenues to personal accounts of budget and autonomous institutions;
  • Accounting of cash leavings from personal accounts of budget and autonomous institutions;
  • Automatic budget control;
  • System of analytical reports designers;
  • Full range of primary documents and output forms;
  • Set of the regulated registers of budget accounting;
  • The set of regulated reports (quarterly updated) contains forms of accounting records, a form on budget implementation, necessary for the monthly, quarterly and annual report of financial body;
  • Set of primary documents and output forms of trading day;
  • Electronic exchange with bodies of Federal Treasury;
  • Electronic exchange with credit institutions;
  • Electronic exchange with managers and receivers of budget funds.;
  • Electronic exchange with budget and autonomous institutions.

The software product allows to organize and automate own municipal treasury. The software product allows to perform central planning and execution of budgets of settlements by financial (authorized) bodies of municipal districts in one information base on each budget separately, with a possibility of obtaining the consolidated statements. The settlements having financial bodies and the current accounts on accounting of budget funds can run the budgets independently in individual information bases.

2016: About release of edition 1.3 configurations "1C: The budget of municipal entity 8" on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform

The functionality of the software product is complemented with following features:

  • New opportunities of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform:
  • support of the new Taxi interface – modern design of the interface, comfort of work of users for a long time, convenience of navigation.
  • support of the thin client and web client, development of cloud computing.
  • The regulated bookkeeping registers, forms of the reporting under planning and budget implementation, order of use of budget classification are brought into accord with the changes in the legislation which became effective since 1/1/2016.
  • Maintaining the register of payment commitment according to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation N103n of 7/1/2015.
  • The subsystem for accounting of data on the interbudget transfers provided from the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation in the local budget in the form of the subsidies, subventions and other interbudget transfers having purpose according to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation N3n of 2/16/2015 is added.
  • The feature for flexible configuration of the used configuration subsystems by financial body of subsystems is added: use of functional units, frequency and detailing of maintaining planned targets, etc.
  • The feature for more flexible configuration of procedures of budget control of primary documents is added. There was an opportunity a creation of the user templates of budget control on the basis of the standard templates of budget control included in delivery.
  • The feature for more flexible configuration of reports using designers of reports is added. There was a possibility of creation of the user columns for data acquisition during creation of the user reports.
  • The feature for editing models of printed forms of the documents and reports which are contained in a system is added.