Customers: Sibmetakhim (Siberian metanolny chemical company)
Contractors: Intant Product: Directum (EDMS/ECM system)Project date: 2012/10
The Intant group – the certified partner of DIRECTUM – began with fall of 2012 implementation of the DIRECTUM ESM-system in the Siberian metanolny chemical company. The project is directed to automation of activity of management personnel, the secretariat, department of corporate protection, legal department, special department of civil defense and emergency.
Sibmetakhim LLC is affiliated enterprise JSC VOSTOKGAZPROM. The company is among leaders in production of methanol in Russia, and including provides delivery to the foreign companies.
To increase quality and efficiency of work with documentation, the CEO Sibmetakhim set the task of transfer of document flow to an electronic form. In the choice of an ESM-system and the supplier active part was taken also by IT specialists and clerks. The main attention of the working group was paid to classical office-work and management of contract activities. The special focus was put on routing of passing of documents and an opportunity to set tough terms of approval. The department of automated control systems and information technologies Sibmetakhim organized several meetings with representatives of the different systems of the Russian producers.
The Intant group (the certified partner of DIRECTUM) submitted to Sibmetakhim the modern complex DIRECTUM ECM system which is successfully implemented by more than six years, and was selected by the contractor on implementation.
The project started in October, 2012 and 16 weeks will last. During this time the staff of Intant company will conduct a research of the enterprise, will prepare project solutions, will train personnel, will install and will configure a system in workplaces.
During the project key processes of office-work will be transferred to an electronic form:
- > registration of incoming correspondence and pronouncement of resolutions;
- approval and registration of outgoing correspondence;
- acquaintance and control of execution under orders and orders on primary activity;
- work with office and reports;
- maintaining electronic archive.
At the second stage of the project it is going to automate process on contract management.
Assigned tasks will be implemented using functionality of the Basic modules DIRECTUM and also business solutions "Classical office-work" and Contract management. The project is directed to automation of activity of management personnel, the secretariat, divisions of deputy CEOs and chief engineer, department of corporate protection, legal department, special department of civil defense and emergency. Thus, implementation of DIRECTUM will increase quality and efficiency of work with documents in all divisions of Sibmetakhim.