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Autodesk Project Mercury

Developers: Autodesk
Branches: Real estate,  Construction and industry of construction materials
Technology: BIM - Information modeling of buildings and constructions,  CAD

Autodesk Project Mercury will integrate a number of the computer, cloud and mobile applications and services allowing to apply technology of information modeling of buildings (BIM) to design of infrastructure facilities. As declare in Autodesk, the BIM technology will help engineers, designers and other specialists to increase efficiency of design, construction and object management of transport and utility infrastructure, natural resources and also projects of land management and development of urban areas.

At the Autodesk University conference in Las Vegas the company in the fall of 2012 submitted the beta of service of optimization of a road network for Autodesk Infrastructure Modeler, the first in a series of cloud services which it is going to include in Project Mercury. The service will help engineers and designers to create cost-efficient projects of roads and trunks, optimizing and automating calculations and by that reducing terms of work on the project and reducing construction costs. Service of optimization of a road network and other solutions within Project Mercury will be available in 2013. Project Mercury will include both new technologies, and existing solutions for design of infrastructure from Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite.