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Liviz (Napoleon ASMT)

Customers: Liviz

Food industry

Contractors: Guild of developers
Product: Napoleon ASMT

Project date: 2012/09

At the end of 2012 the Guild of Developers company and the alcoholic beverage plant "Liviz" celebrated the first anniversary of effective cooperation.

For Liviz it is the first experiment on automation of work of sales representatives and merchandisers. The choice of the company fell on a software package of ASMT "Napoleon" in spite of the fact that programs required a number of completions under needs of the customer. Alcoholic beverage products are the field of very high competition therefore to the producer for commercial success, in addition to keyword parameters (the price, quality, quantity) everything is important up to placement of products on a counter of shop.

Specialists of Guild of developers jointly with specialists of Liviz implemented a number of the solutions facilitating work of sales representatives and merchandisers. Actions for monitoring of products of the company and competitors in outlets were automated. The photoreport in outlet – basic function of mobile trade in Napoleon, but by request of Liviz this function was expanded: the supervisor not only receives all photos from communicators of agents, but also estimates them, automatically creates their rating and as result – motivation of employees.

Also in the applications customized for Liviz, supervisors can not only appoint and adjust routes of sales representatives and merchandisers, but also to enter to them new outlets which are not in the general base of partners (Census task). Useful was also an opportunity to control movements of workers by means of the system of GPS tracking.

Sustain the competition – means always to have the finger on the pulse. Agents of Liviz by means of mobile trade in Napoleon can transfer to the general base data on all new outlets about which they learn in the course of work. This efficiency – guarantee of growth of the customer base of the enterprise.

The parties were satisfied with each other not at once. In the beginning the pilot project during which thirty employees of Liviz were equipped with applications for mobile trade in Napoleon was started. As the hardware of the project communicators of HTC and Samsung based on OS Android were involved. During a pilot project requirements for extensive completions of a software package – were also created the functionality of the program completely covered requirements of the enterprise.

Already it is possible to say that the customization which step by step was carried out within nearly half a year came to the end successfully. At the moment all department of retail sales and merchandising of Liviz is transferred to work with ASMT "Napoleon", negotiations on automation of works of other departments are conducted.

It is necessary to wish to both parties of continuation of cooperation and automation of new fields of activity.