Customers: Center Condominium Housing and public utilities, service and household services Contractors: Gendalf Product: Ailanthus: Management of housing and public utilitiesНа базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.2 Project date: 2012/10 - 2012/10
Project's budget: 8 000 руб.
Number of licenses: 1
The Following Functions Were Automated:
Finance, management accounting, monitoring of indicators Accounting is accounting, tax, budget, including the regulated reporting Accounting Bank and cash desk Intangible assets Fixed assets Payroll calculation and personnel records Settlings with partners The regulated reporting Inventory items
Free support of the basic version (services of the line of consultation; updates of programs and access to metodmateriala on the user support website)
The Following Tasks Were Performed:
Delivery of software products in office of the customer Software installation on the customer's computers