Customers: Antaeus Condominium Housing and public utilities, service and household services Contractors: Gendalf Product: Ailanthus: Management of housing and public utilitiesНа базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.2 Project date: 2012/08 - 2012/08
Project's budget: 8 000 руб.
Number of licenses: 1
The Following Functions Were Automated:
* Finance, management accounting, monitoring of indicators
- * Accounting accounting, tax, budget, including the regulated reporting
- * * Accounting
- * * * Bank and cash desk
- * * * Intangible assets
- * * * Fixed assets
- * * * Payroll calculation and personnel records
- * * * Settlings with partners
- * * * the Regulated reporting
- * * * Inventory items
- * * Tax accounting
- * Utility accounting
Free support of the basic version (services of the line of consultation; updates of programs and access to metodmateriala on the user support website)
The Following Tasks Were Performed:
- Sale of the selected software products
- Delivery of software products in office of the customer
- Software installation on the customer's computers
- Initial settings of standard/industry solution (program) to start accounting