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The Dalgakiran Ukraine Compressor company automates control of customer relations

Customers: Dalgakiran Ukraine Compressor

Kiev; Trade

Product: 1C:CRM PROF for Ukraine
На базе: 1C:CRM PROF

Project date: 2012/11  - 2012/12

Dalgakiran Ukraine Compressor company and specialists of the Kiev office "1C: The first BIT" (1C: Accounting and Trade) was automated by process of registration of customer interactions, maintaining the customer base and sales management in the company, the press service of integrator reported on December 7, 2012. An implementation product - "1C:Enterprise 8. CRM.PROF for Ukraine".


The representation "Dalgakiran Kompressor Ukraina" has a branch network in all large cities of Ukraine, a finished goods warehouse, uninterrupted supplies from pipelines of the manufacturing plants, the developed infrastructure of service on all territory of the country, a team of professionals.

For storage of necessary customer information in a common information space, control and rapid response to addresses, company management made the decision on use of a modern CRM system.


"1C implemented by specialists: The first BIT" "1C:Enterprise 8. CRM.PROF for Ukraine" allows the customer:

  • Manage the customer base, keep account of a contact history with clients, estimate dynamics of state change of customer relations;
  • Exercise planning and control of actions of managers;
  • Create regulations of work with clients and templates of standard actions;
  • Manage sales at any their stage.