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Sevastyanov Nikolay Nikolaevich


Sevastyanov Nikolay Nikolaevich
Sevastyanov Nikolay Nikolaevich

Sevastyanov Nikolay Nikolaevich is a Chief designer, the head of head design office "Gazprom space systems".


Was born on April 30, 1961 in Chelyabinsk

The engineer-physicist in dynamics of flight and management graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, faculty "Aero Physics and Space Researches",

Candidate of Technical Sciences.

  • 1984 - 1993 - The specialist of RSC Energia in creation of management systems of the Mir Space Station and the piloted Union-TM spaceship

  • 1990 - 1993 - In combination CEO of consortium "Space Regatta"

  • 2005 - 2007 - The president, the chief designer of RSC Energia, the chief designer on the piloted complexes, the technical lead on flight tests of the piloted space complexes, the chairman of the board of chief designers on creation of the Russian segment of the International Space Station.

  • 2008 - Deputy Prime Minister of the Amur region

  • since 2008 - the Chief designer, the head of head design office JSC Gazprom space systems, the chairman of scientific and technical council of JSC Gazprom space systems, the head of Industrial Space Systems department of the Tomsk state university.

Ranks and awards

  • Honourable radio operator (2002)

  • The winner of an award of the Russian President in the field of education (2005)

  • Honorary employee of JSC Gazprom (2011)

  • Tsiolkovsky's sign of Federal Space Agency (2012)

  • Academician of the Russian academy of Astronautics of K.E. Tsiolkovsky, International academy of communication, Academy of technology sciences of the Russian Federation. Corresponding member of the International academy of Astronautics.