Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

1C-Vectro: Managing director of travel agency

Last Release Date: February, 2013
Branches: Tourism, hotel and restaurant business
Technology: Accounting systems


For the manager:

  • Maintaining customer base
  • Accounting of contacts with clients
  • Fixing of all wishes of the client to future trip
  • Control of payment of permits
  • Armoring of tours on the websites of tourist operators directly from the program
  • Accounting of the business activities of travel agency which are not connected directly with the tourist sphere

For the director:

  • Determination of financial results of activity of travel agency
  • Identification of the most profitable destinations
  • Control over cash flows
  • Formation of managerial balance for obtaining summary information on a financial status of travel agency
  • Obtaining information on revenue on each manager

Automation of operational accounting

Maintaining customer base

"1C-Vectro: The managing director of travel agency" allows to solve two main problems facing small travel agencies with ease: structure information and save it after dismissal of the manager. All data on clients are stored in an ordered type that allows to work effectively with base in several thousands of clients. All information is stored directly in the program, so, after dismissal of the manager clients will not leave together with it.

Accounting of contacts with clients

Each call, meeting, any contact with the client can be recorded in the program. Using the specialized report it will be possible to trace the customer interaction history. If, for example, the manager gets sick, any other employee all the same will be able qualitatively to service the potential buyer.

Fixing of all wishes of the client to future trip

"1C-Vectro: The managing director of travel agency" allows to enter to information base information on all wishes of the client to future trip. The special electronic document is for this purpose developed. The thought-over interface allows to enter information for read seconds. All information entered into the program is stored in the structured type and is always editable also the analysis.

Control of payment of permits

How many did the client pay for the permit? And how many we still owe the tourist operator? Specialized reports of the program will always answer these questions, important for each travel agency. In them it can be displayed as the total amount received from the client or paid to tour operator, and the detailed history of settlement with partners.

Work with the websites of tourist operators

The browser which is built in the program allows sales managers to simplify process of armoring of tours on the websites of operators. This, necessary for authorization, are stored directly in information base "1C-Vectro:", and for an input in "the closed section" of the website of the tourist operator one click suffices managing travel agency!

Access rights can be configured in such a way that nobody, except "managing director", will see the login and the password in text form. So, and managers will not be able to use data of authorization without connection to base.

Accounting of the business activities which directly are not connected with the tourist sphere

Some travel agencies, in addition to sale of permits, enable the realization of "the accompanying products" and services: from guides to first-aid set and an additional insurance.

Unlike other accounting programs for travel agencies, "1C-Vectro: The managing director of travel agency" allows to consider all range of business activities of the agency in one program. It allows the head of the agency to see profit on all activity of the enterprise.

For the director

Determination of financial results

"1C-Vectro: The managing director of travel agency" is not only automation of operational accounting, but also determination of financial results of activity of the enterprise. At the expense of a possibility of accounting in the program of all expenses of travel agency, the head of the agency can see the real profit of business.

Identification of the most profitable destinations

One of the main objectives "1C-Vectro: Managing travel agency" determination of financial results separately on each activity is. From reports of the program the head will be able accurately to see what direction is profitable in the agency and what — is unprofitable. The acquired information will help to redistribute correctly resources of the enterprise so that to bring profitability to new level.

Control over cash flows

All receipts and payments are fixed in the program with indication of article of the movement of money. As a result, from reports of the program it is always visible for what purposes money was spent. Thanks to the developed budget of the movement of money and the payment schedule, it is possible to control movements of a cash flow. As a result, the head receives the tool for maintenance of solvency of the enterprise.

Managerial balance

"1C-Vectro: The managing director of travel agency" allows to set total control of all assets and liabilities of the enterprise. In the report "Managerial balance" all business is visible clearly: how many the agency is owed the buyer what debt to tour operators, whether is means on checking accounts and so on.

Analytics of revenue on managers

At each implementation the manager who made the transaction is specified. Thanks to it, at the end of the month in reports on financial results information on revenue and a gross profit can be received not only with analytics by types of business (directions), but also on managers.