Customers: Baltaks Contractors: SoftPages Product: Klik-CRM: SalesНа базе: Klient-Communicator (Click) Project date: 2012/03 - 2012/09
The project team from the customer | Integrator Consultant |
Kokorina Victoria (Head of sales department)
Eselevich Andrey (Director)
The Baltaks company (St. Petersburg) started implementation of the CRM system "CRM Klient-Communicator: Sales". SoftPages.Ru ( acts as the supplier of the solution.
Core business of the company – rendering services in the field of deliveries of filtering systems of fuel. Baltaks performs direct deliveries from the manufacturing plants to consumers - for passenger/cargo / special equipments/boats and yachts / gas station. Since 1999 the company saved up the extensive customer base implementation of the CRM solution is intended for convenience of work with which.
The purpose of CRM - to contribute to the development of the company, to automate and make more convenient work with different partners – clients, suppliers and partners. One of priorities of development is creation of extensive partner and dealer network for all Russia.
Kokorina Victoria, the Head of sales department of Baltaks speaks:
"We considered a set of the different CRM Systems which would allow us to automate our customer relations. The main objectives which we set for CRM, it:
- Clear and available interface
- Separation of clients on our managers, regions, and types
- Problem definition both the manager for, and the head for the manager, with an opportunity to monitor execution of these tasks
- Creation of Commercial offers from a system
- Creation of Agreements in the Word format
- Creation of Primary documentation: accounts, invoices, etc.
- With ability to integrate with 1C 7.7.
- On the basis of the data described above to obtain the report in different cuts
- Possibility of personal setup of a system under our requirements further
- Price
Of course, we were interested in the version of CRM: Prof sales, but understanding that here and now we are not ready to begin implementation of the version of Prof, We took advantage of the offer of SoftPages.Ru company and purchased Light version. What allowed to save 5000 rubles on each workplace!
At the first stage we are going to start blocks in work:
- Fill the available reference books in a system necessary for us: Types, statuses, statuses, stages, product catalog, types of tasks, agreements, etc.
- Using specialists of SoftPages.Ru company to provide training in blocks: Partners, contact persons, marketing actions, setting and execution of tasks.
- The grade level on creation and maintaining documents in a system will be the next step: Commercial offers, Agreements, Primary documentation"
"Click of CRM: Sales" is a system for automation of sales. Ready to use right after installation, a system solves at the modern level the whole complex of CRM tasks of sales departments, marketing and directly the management of the companies at once.
The program has the simplified commodity and financial accounting - there is no warehouse, the expense accounting, budgeting, project management. But at the same time in it the thought-over and clear tools focused on the solution of the main essential objectives of sales departments are implemented.
Andrey Eselevich, the director of the company of "SoftPages.Ru" speaks
"The version of Light from Prof is distinguished only by lack of some modules of setup of the platform of "Klient-Communicator". At the same time, and Light allows to create new reports and to configure key parameters of work – all that is necessary at this stage of implementation.
Transition to the version "Prof-version" will be performed when each of employees deals with the existing functionality, and will understand what is not enough for it. Prof will allow to change visually and flexibly the CRM system – to create new reference books, interfaces, to change a configuration as that will be demanded by growth of problems of implementation".