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Nikfort Realty

The name of the base system (platform): Microsoft Dynamics 365
Developers: Nikfort
Branches: Real Estate
Technology: CRM

2019: Functionality of Nikfort Realty based on Microsoft Dynamics 365

For March, 2019 Nikfort Realty is ready-made industry solution for builders and the agencies real estate on the platform Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM).

The solution is created based on long-term experience of cooperation of Nikfort company with market leaders in the field of the real estate. It includes tool kit for automation of a full stroke of sale of a real estate.

The industry solution of Nikfort Realty covers all directions on implementation of the real estate – both sale, and management of lease, and includes work on the following directions:

  • New buildings;
  • Commercial real estate;
  • Country real estate;
  • Secondary market.


  • Uniform base of clients

Thanks to deep study and process automation, connected with customer interaction, in a system complete and reliable information about them is accumulated.

  • The structured base of a real estate

Real estate object types:

  • Apartments, apartments, parking places, storerooms for new buildings and secondary objects;
  • Floor spaces, offices, premises of free appointment for commercial objects;
  • Houses, sections, townhouses and also base of projects of houses for further sale of sections with the contract for country objects.

In the solution the tool allowing to configure independently the list of characteristics for a real estate is developed. At the same time characteristics automatically become available to fixing of a customer need and also at object search for the real estate under needs of the client.

An opportunity to load images, and to independently mark them is implemented, connecting with real estate, floors, sections, buildings, or projects. On the marked images users can perform interactive navigation in the course of the work – this tool can be extremely useful to builders and the companies working with lease of the commercial areas.

For real estate agencies the full integration with service Yandex.Maps which allows to reduce costs for maintaining relevant base of a real estate is implemented and also to exclude errors at manual entry. At the same time transport availability which is used at selection of offers for the client automatically is calculated.

  • Flexible pricing

Work with static and dynamic price lists which allow to set the specific prices in large quantities of a certain real estate is provided or to set base rates and adjusting factors depending on different conditions.

At the solution there is an opportunity for work with advertizing campaigns. Actions can be both "parallel", and mutually exclusive each other.

  • Object search for the real estate

According to the developer, the industry solution provides a user-friendly interface for search of a suitable real estate in different options:

  • Checkerwork;
  • Interactive navigation according to images;
  • Search on the card;
  • Search in the form of the list.

The interface of search can be configured independently for each department without involvement of developers. Search results are displaid in an evident graphic view with display of a current status of an object, available actions and also any other information which is flexibly configured in a system.

  • The managed sales process

In industry solution of Nikfort Realty sales process which is based on the best practices of the companies builders and real estate agencies is systematized. A system will help employees to carry out timely tasks, including tasks which a system creates in the automatic mode.

A system will allow both pilot, and less qualified employees is more effective and without errors to perform the daily work. All employees will work in strict accordance with the regulations put in a system in the form of business processes which automate routine transactions.

A system will provide comprehensive and reliable information about sales and efficiency of advertizing campaigns for company management.

  • Work with the entering addresses

Due to ability to integrate Nikfort Realty with corporate systems, all customer appeals will be automatically fixed:

  • Incoming calls from clients on corporate telephony will be automatically recorded in a system.

For contact center the user-friendly interface of processing of incoming calls based on Unified Service Desk is provided. This interface at the time of a call will automatically open customer information and will provide necessary scripts of a conversation to the operator.

  • Addresses from the website of the company will be automatically recorded in a system.
  • Comments on social networks can be fixed automatically in a system thanks to integration of Nikfort Realty with the product Microsoft Social Engagement.

  • Work with interests, transactions and agreements

At the solution there are mechanisms which will allow to record need of the client. By means of the interface of search a system will help to pick up objects which as much as possible satisfy to these requirements and also to plan demonstrations and to perform armoring.

It is possible send information on objects which interested the client in 1 cliques. Information goes in corporate style by means of the PDF brochures with indication of the main characteristics of the selected objects and images.

In industry solution mechanisms are developed for bulk mailing of email and Sms using templates for the selected lists of clients.

The solution provides tools for fixing of all necessary financial conditions on the transaction, including: the selected real estate with the prices, the applied discounts, payment schedules, conditions on a mortgage or payment by installments and other conditions.

Nikfort Realty allows to configure independently schemes of transactions according to the financial and legal schemes set in the company. Thus the user will not make mistakes by further preparation of agreements – a system will prepare all documents independently.

By means of a configurator of the parties a system will independently set up participants under the agreement, including for multi-lateral agreements.

For formation of printed forms the editor of templates is available that gives to the user the chance to create documents in 1 cliques.

  • Uniform mechanism of approvals

At the expense of the uniform mechanism of approval worked in the solution, in a system it is possible without additional efforts to configure schemes of consecutive or parallel approval:

  • At the change in price for a real estate;
  • At application of actions;
  • For review terms of transaction;
  • And also for review agreements.

  • Integration with other systems

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) platform has standard opportunities for integration with the majority of the products Microsoft Office and other products of Microsoft.

Also use of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) platform opens ample opportunities for integration with other systems and services:

2012: The main functional modules Nikfort Realty based on Microsoft Dynamics CRM

The Nikfort company developed the solution "Nikfort Realty" based on Microsoft Dynamics CRM for real estate agencies. "Nikfort Realty" provides the full-fledged tool for daily work of brokers, consultants and company management in the field of providing realtor services.

The main functional system modules (as of December, 2012):

Uniform base

  • The structured base of a real estate.
  • Base of clients, history of customer relations and transactions.

Base of a real estate

Possibility of quick search of the offers suitable under a request of the client in uniform base of a real estate. With a possibility of display of objects on the interactive map. Possibility of formation of the PDF brochures with the complete information about the offered real estate with photos of an object.

Work with clients

  • Maintaining the customer base of clients with differentiation of access rights on fields.
  • Possibility of maintaining history of customer relations, including history of requests for object search for the real estate.
  • Automatic notifications of brokers at emergence in base of a new real estate if there is a suitable not closed request from the client, some days before a birthday of the client.

Analytical reports

A number of the reports allowing to estimate comprehensively work both the companies in general, and department or each broker separately is provided in the solution:

  • Summary reports to board
  • Financial forecasting.
  • Funnel of sales.
  • Activity reporting of brokers.