Customers: Professional school No. 40, Penza Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: 1C: Payroll and budget institution staff 8На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.2 Project date: 2012/02
The 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT) became the partner of the Penza professional school No. 40 in automation of personnel records and payroll. Taking into account specifics of work of the organization as a basis of automation the "1C: Payroll and budget institution staff 8" program allowing was selected including, to apply NSOT.
State-funded educational institution of primary professional education of the Penza region "Professional school No. 40 of Penza" was formed in 1985 based on the Penza management of construction of Zarechny of the Penza region. Since 1987 the school began to work with orphan children and children without parental support. Training is provided on the following specialties: master of finishing construction works, master of joiner's and carpentry and parquet works, master of all-construction works, drywall construction specialist and welder.
For payroll calculation in school the 1C: Payroll and personnel 7.7 program was used, however transition to "1C:Enterprise 8" had to allow to increase efficiency of personnel department. Specialists of BIT recommended the "1C: Payroll and budget institution staff 8" program. This solution considering relevant requirements of the legislation gives following features:
- Payroll;
- Application of a new wage system of employees of federal budgetary institutions;
- Registration of personnel and analysis of personnel structure;
- The personified accounting;
- Calculation of the regulated taxes;
- The regulated reporting;
- Correction of settlement documents of the last period.
Thanks to implementation of the specialized software product based on "1C:Enterprise 8", work of accounting of school on settling with employees was simplified.