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Баннер в шапке 2
2013/01/21 19:10:23

Productive development or how to write the code without prejudice to a brain and nerves

Many developers and not only they, come up against stressful situations during operation and ghost effects, like permanent irritability, etc., after working time. Further I will try to formulate the main criteria of productive development without damage to own health and sensible mind.

First, it is necessary to realize for himself that there is nothing impossible, any task is solved, but at any task – the price, whether it be resources, time or something else, but not as not health and sensible mind. Terms do not allow, to you, will relax and to select from 15 to 30 min. on "drink coffee"? – It is very bad because the brain as the multiton engine flies on the set trajectory and if in time not to brake, then it is possible to spread it about the rock of which he is. Paradox? Human brain in general paradox in itself. I it to the fact that for productive development, it is necessary to distract from work. If suddenly you feel that something is impossible to you, it is necessary to distract – to drink coffee, to smoke (what there would not write the Ministry of Health on packs of cigarettes), to take a walk, etc. It is necessary to do it in order that your "engine" did not press itself. When you distract, the brain is not switched off, just continues to work by inertia at moderate speed, but already without the irritating factor in the form of the source code before eyes or "not meeting kopeks", continuing to solve that "impracticable" problem.

Secondly, you should not spend the appeared free time, for testing of your development or something similar, on accomplishment of a new task, you will not be able to keep in the head nuances of both tasks at the same time. An exception is only long time of testing (check), of 8 o'clock and above. Even if you know that testing will last more than 8 hours, you should not start new at once, give to "engine" of the previous task to drive off on decent distance.

Thirdly, work at inspiration if it appeared – do not follow the first two points. Paradox? I already wrote about it above. The most productive work, is executed on inspiration, here at this moment you should not be distracted by external irritants – mail, ICQ, phones, chiefs, users and others. If you distract, then you can waste much more time for inclusion in development if did not distract and brought development to the logical end.

Fourthly, you do not know what to begin with? Begin with the first point of your task, just begin to perform a task on the points described by the customer or still someone, something. You will see that slowly your "engine" begins to accelerate.

And fifthly, try not to take work home, the serfdom was repealed in the 1861st year if the management does not trust in it, then it is their personal problem, your sensible mind is more priority. The exception is described in the third point.

Now you consider that I propagandize inaction in a workplace? It's not true, time of "derivation" should not exceed 15% of the general working time. Works involving all hands exist only in the head of dull heads, and the fact that they use not recovered resources, a human brain, they do not understand and do not want to understand, on it at them and there are "works involving all hands" since "resources" work very hard.

Result of following to these small criteria at a development approach and any creative work, will be the fact that you with pleasure will go to work, therefore, and it is more productive to work. Everything will cease to enrage you since works involving all hands will cease to exist for you.

Author: Maystrenko Oleg, Developer of products Microsoft