Syrus Systems specializes in solving of tasks, the telecommunication networks connected with testing and deliveries of the kontrolnoizmeritelny equipment. And also - design and creation of systems and communication satellite networks, digital TV and radio broadcasting, network synchronization and network monitoring. Syrus Systems is wide-profile system integrator. At the same time business in the field of the kontrolnoizmeritelny equipment remains one of Syrus Systems main activities. The company accumulated experience of the solution of difficult tasks in the field of diagnostics, testing and monitoring of telecommunication networks. Among customers there are such operators as JSC VimpelCom, JSC Kazakhtelecom, JSC Rostelecom and others. Syrus Systems provides technical support of customers and also warranty and post warranty service of the supplied equipment.[1]
Infrastructure solutions are tested for all their lifecycle. In spite of the fact that producers experience developments in laboratories, often customers need to check suitability of proposed solutions for accomplishment of the tasks. To large enterprises and telecom operators we recommend to have own test laboratory where before purchase of equipment rooms and software products it is possible to hold their preliminary functional and stress testing to make a right choice and by that to avoid financial losses. Only in laboratory it is possible to provide recurrence of test conditions that is important when comparing products.
In laboratory of stress testing it is possible to define true scalability of the solution to estimate as it will work with a growth of volumes of traffic. Hold stress testing of the operating system in most cases it is inadmissible as it is impossible to overload it. Also own test laboratory is necessary for approbation of new configurations of networks and network means. In laboratory it is simpler to diagnose and resolve problems, quicker and cheaper, than in the operating network.
In many large organizations there are test laboratories which fulfill new network solutions and carry out incoming inspection of the bought network equipment as customers cannot rely on statements of his producers entirely. Often the network is under construction on the equipment of different vendors. And even if the client trusts each of them, it is important to check compatibility of their products. Any network to posvoy is unique, and the companies want to foreknow as their special configurations and services work.
The most part of the Russian corporate customers do not invest in the test equipment allowing to hold functional and stress testing and do not check products and solutions before their acquisition. The domestic companies prefer to rely on information of producers or to test the equipment and software in their laboratories. But the situation gradually changes: more and more enterprises incline that before purchases it is necessary to check the equipment. In Russia telecom operators have test laboratories and the state organizations.
Development of cloud services in many respects restrains uncertainty of potential users in their quality and reliability. To break this barrier, it is necessary to control accomplishment by providers of agreements on the level of provision of services (SLA). For this purpose in Syrus Systems developed the solution under the name "X-ray for Ipsetey". It allows to check remotely quality of providing Ipuslug, including cloud services. Control is exercised along end-to-end routes of transfer of traffic, i.e. from the server in DPC to the user's device.