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Directum: Purchase management (Management of tenders)

The name of the base system (platform): Directum (EDMS/ECM system)
Developers: Directum
Last Release Date: 2016/02/29
Technology: SCM,  SRM - Vendor relationship management,  the Systems of stream recognition are EDMS,  EDMS


Basic solution description

Product DIRECTUM: Management of tenders it is focused on use by the top management, the tender commissions, heads of divisions of the company.

Solvable business challenges

The choice of suppliers and contractors on a competitive basis — one of the most obvious tools of the company for the maximum observance of own interests in the course of contracting. Create competitive environment for suppliers, compare their offers, take pricing and terms of the contract under control, to provide transparency of the choice for company management, to reduce corruption risks, to create "bench" of suppliers on a case of force majeure is those purposes for which achievement tenders will be organized.

Business solution "DIRECTUM: Management of tenders" concentrates on ensuring transparency and efficiency of internal processes from application in the tender commission before control of conditions of the signed agreements on compliance to results of the tender.

The main objective at implementing solution — it is not simple to automate work on management of tenders, and making use of experience and the best practices, to define the most optimal variant of work for specific organization and to carry out high-quality implementation of technical solution, having provided further support. Business solution "DIRECTUM: Management of tenders" directionally on increase in process performance of the conclusion of the transactions which are carried out regularly on a competitive basis.

Business solution provides the solution of the following business challenges.

1. Initiation of the tender:

  • approval of requests for carrying out the tender;
  • approval of terms of carrying out tender and agenda (registers of requests);
  • tracking of uncontested suppliers (natural monopolies, strategic partners, owners of the real estate and land plots);
  • preparation of the tender documentation;
  • use of standard forms and templates of contractual documents;
  • ensuring simultaneous operation with documents;
  • approval of the tender documentation of the tender commission;
  • the approval of orders, the budget, appointment of contractors, installation of terms, acquaintance of the interested employees with decisions of the commissions.

2. Vendor interaction:

  • mailing (publication) and acceptance of offers;
  • the organization of archive of the sent offers;
  • negotiation;
  • ensuring confidentiality;
  • control of terms of acceptance of offers.

3. Choice of the winner:

  • assessment of commercial offers by the formalized criteria;
  • control of terms of consideration;
  • statement of the winner tender commission;
  • control of conditions of the signed agreement regarding compliance of the tender documentation.

4. Creation of the register of the held tenders and archive of the tender documentation:

  • document classification;
  • communication of documents from the request to the agreement;
  • differentiation of access rights to documents.

Proceeding from solvable tasks, owners of the company, chief financial officers, the divisions controlling activity of the child organizations and responsible for tendering process can act as main customers of business solution. Besides, as interested persons of the organization the following groups can enter: heads of divisions (initiators of purchases), head of supply responsible for contract activities.

Work with the solution

Solution "DIRECTUM: Management of tenders" does all stages of work on the tender transparent, managed and controlled.

Approval of the request for the tender. The responsible prepares an electronic set of the tender documentation (the draft treaty, the request, technical specifications, etc.) and sends it for approval, using the DIRECTUM system workflow mechanism. Approval happens along a standard route "Approval of the request for carrying out the tender" in which parameters it is necessary to specify purpose of the tender, the tender commission (if only one commission operates on the enterprise — it will be automatically specified), division customer and desirable date of signing of the contract according to the tender.


After filling of parameters of a route in the special reference book "Tenders" the corresponding record will be automatically created — it will contain all main information on the held tender and its results. Also all documents appearing in work flow on the tender will contact this record (a tender card). It provides convenient and quick access to all necessary documentation, allows to store it ordered.

As a rule, after approval of the request for the tender the tender commission gathers (for decision making on tender dates, etc.). For the convenient and operational organization of a meeting of the tender commission possibilities of business solution "can be used by DIRECTUM: Management of meetings". After the meeting of the tender commission and preparation of necessary data information on the tender is published on the external website of the company organizer of the tender. Within implementation of business solution it is possible to configure the publication in the automatic mode.

Acceptance of offers on tender. Acceptance can be performed by any employee selected for this purpose: secretary of the tender commission responsible for the tender, clerk. The selected employee accepts and registers the come offers in the corresponding reference book "Estimates of Offers".

After date of acceptance of offers there is an opening of envelopes (as a rule, within the meeting of the next tender commission). After opening the secretary of the commission directly from a card of the tender makes out the relevant protocol. At the same time the protocol automatically contacts a tender card.

Opening of envelopes is followed by process of consideration and assessment of the received offers. Assessment is also made along a specialized standard route.

After assessment of all sent offers or making decision on non-admission of the offer to assessment the protocol of consideration of offers, to the protocols which are similarly considered earlier forms.

Determination of the winner of the tender. The winner is selected within the meeting of the tender commission and affirms its chairman. At this stage the protocol of summing up can be created (similar to other types of tender protocols). After determination of the winner in a card of the tender the winner offer is specified, at the same time the Winner Partner and Actual Date of Results fields are autocompleted.

Signing of the contract. For automation of this process business solution "is used by DIRECTUM: Contract management". Approval of the agreement happens along a standard route "Signing of the contract according to the tender". As soon as the agreement is signed, the agreement and date of its actual conclusion will automatically be displayed in a tender card.

Business effect

Achievement of effect for the top management:

  • Provide transparency of the made decisions in the course of purchases.
  • Accelerate tender processes.
  • Provide controllability of tender processes.
  • Provide observance of selection terms of the partner.
  • Guarantee inclusion of key requirements in conditions of the signed agreements.
  • Reduce risks on the signed agreements.
  • Increase efficiency of the tender commission.
  • Lower an amount-based threshold of agreements for which tendering process will be effective.

For the tender commission:

  • Facilitate preparation of materials, the agenda, minutes of meetings of the commissions.
  • Provide timely acquaintance of interested persons with minutes of meetings of the tender commission.
  • Accelerate reconciliation procedures of documentation.
  • Provide efficiency of carrying out extraordinary and urgent tenders, and also efficiency of decision making.
  • Provide the due level of confidentiality in the closed tenders.
  • Provide control of terms of acceptance and consideration of offers.

For divisions — initiators of purchases:

  • Accelerate preparation and approval of the tender documentation.
  • Accelerate selection process of the partner.
  • Organize the knowledge base on suppliers and their offers.
  • Provide compliance of conditions of agreements of the tender documentation.
  • Simplify procedures of preparation, carrying out and use of results of the tender.

For objective quality evaluation of process of management of tenders at implementing solution special performance indicators are selected.


Updating of fall of 2016

The DIRECTUM company announced in September, 2016 updating of technical solution Purchase management. Now it is possible to collect requests for purchase of goods, works, services directly in a system, to automatically publish purchases on electronic marketplace, and data on agreements – on the website of "The unified information system in the field of purchases".

In "DIRECTUM: Purchase management" two main directions are worked out:

  • advanced functionality on collecting of requirements from divisions;
  • the mechanism of placement of information from the DIRECTUM system on the website of "The unified information system in the field of purchases" and electronic marketplaces is developed.

The purchase plan begins with collecting of requirements

Usually requirements gather in the form of requests from divisions by e-mail, the fax or phone. Then are manually analyzed and grouped in the necessary positions of the purchase plan. For the organizations it is quite labor-intensive process. In the new version of the solution collecting of requirements is implemented directly in the DIRECTUM system, and possibilities of planning in general are expanded.

Process became more simply and quicker: load of the employees participating in preparation of the purchase plan due to connection to planning of initiators of requirement is reduced. Requirement justification will be approved in electronic form now, and data which were entered into a system are used when forming the purchase plan.

For divisions process of purchases becomes transparent: initiators will always know the reason of tightening of terms of approval of the request on the requirement, and after inclusion of the request in the plan will be able to trace its status.

Internal processes and interaction with ETP

Now, to announce purchase, the organizer will need much less time for placement of information on electronic marketplace: all data already are in a system, it is necessary only to select objects – the mechanism of the publication will automatically place them on the platform using one button.

223-FZ and website of the Unified information system

For the organizations whose purchasing activity is regulated by Federal law No. 223-FZ, the feature to automatically place data on agreements on purchases on the website of "The unified information system in the field of purchases" (EIS) is added.

Earlier the employee of purchasing department spent a lot of time for collecting of data on the agreement and its execution: it was necessary to receive copies of documents at the curator, information on payment and shipment to accounting. All data needed to be gathered quickly and to place manually on EIS.

In the current version of the solution data on agreements, their change, termination and execution are posted on the website of EIS in one click. Information for the publication and planned dates contain in DIRECTUM. A system creates a task for placement of information and data validation for the responsible in advance.

Interaction with the website of EIS is performed in two stages:

  • information is placed on the website by the button from the reference book;
  • the user of EIS checks the placed data and confirms the publication then it becomes available to external users.

Management of tenders became Purchase management

On February 29, 2016 the Directum company announced development of Management of tenders. The procedure of purchases was supported with preliminary planning, analysis tools. Together with these changes, changed the name – Purchase management.

The software product is focused on support of the organizations whose purchasing activity is regulated by Federal law No. 223-FZ[1].

The chart of the movement of documents in system (2016)

"DIRECTUM: Purchase management" can be used by the organizations whose activity in the field of purchases is not regulated 223-FZ as many processes are identical.

Purchase planning

In the solution "DIRECTUM: Purchase management" planning becomes in the reference book where requirements of divisions are entered. From the reference book the plan is unloaded in the electronic document and in such format goes to approval. After prior approval plans of divisions join in the annual plan of purchases of the company.

Planning process can be organized directly in divisions initiators of purchase. It reduces load of the department planning purchases of the company.

Holding procedure of purchases

In the solution functionality for purchase execution is improved. Automatically the notification on purchase forms, information on accomplishment of the purchase plan, data on purchase placement is traced and fixed.

The mechanism of notifications will remind responsible of the significant moments of process:

  • about need to initiate purchase,
  • about the coming dates of opening of envelopes,
  • to date of summing up,
  • dates of signing of the contracts,
  • time of the publication of information on "The portal of purchases".

Using business solution "DIRECTUM: Management of meetings and meetings" within a system it is possible to organize meetings of procurement commission with the subsequent formation of protocols. Create purchase about several lots became possible. When using "DIRECTUM: Contract management" lots of purchase can be connected with contractual documents of the company. Quickly will help to prepare the reporting for the analysis of accomplishment of the plan and efficiency of purchasing activity the module "Management of Performance Indicators".

Performance of agreements of purchase

For observance of requirements of the legislation regarding timely placement of data on agreement performance on "The portal of purchases" in the solution "DIRECTUM: Purchase management" the reference book which integrates the structured information about agreement performance and electronic documents (acts, delivery notes, payment documents) for the publication is prepared.
