Customers: Sukhoi Design Bureau Contractors: Borlas Consulting group Product: Oracle Hyperion PlanningНа базе: Oracle Hyperion Project date: 2012/09
Of course, the reorganization assuming in addition to change of an organization and financial structure of the company, also implementation of new accounting policies became the main premises of the project. In addition, it was necessary to upgrade hardware infrastructure of an information system since existing at that time did not cope with peak loads any more.
"Reorganization and the project connected with changes in a corporate system became an opportunity at the same time to solve a number of problems of improvement of a technology part of infrastructure and to make to it changes which were about to happen", - the development director of corporate information systems "Sukhoi Company" Galina Lvova notes.
Within integration of holding it was necessary to make so that the information system of experimental design bureau worked according to the corporate standards adopted in holding, and they, sometimes, significantly differed from what was used earlier. Also centralization of accomplishment of a number of functions was planned that, in turn, led to reorganization of structural divisions. Such changes concerned, for example, treasury, divisions of management of documents, purchases, etc., so, it was necessary to update also functionality of the IT systems supporting their work.
The functionality of ISU experimental design bureau (the information management system of Sukhoi Design Bureau) included project management modules, finance, budgeting, purchases and stocks, production, personnel managements, including time keeping and the salary, contract managements, NSI, management of documents, accounting and tax accounting. Practically in a varying degree it was necessary to make changes to each of modules. In addition to ERP based on Oracle E-Business Suite in which in upgrade took part Borlas specialists of experimental design bureau carried out changes in a system accounting and tax accounting based on PARUS. Also the system working in the field of budgeting was replaced, a new system is constructed based on Oracle Hyperion Planning. It was in parallel performed transition to a corporate system of management of NSI, a corporate system of traffic control of money. The document management system of EMC Documentum and the system of scheduling and network planning underwent minor changes, generally regarding interfaces of data.
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