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Series of the available AeroCool VS-92 body

Developers: AeroCool Advanced Technologies
Branches: Information technologies

The AeroCool Advanced Technologies (AAT) company, one of world leading manufacturers of the body, power supplies, accessories and the periphery for the PC, represents a line of the computer VS-92 body of the Middle Tower format. New products offer the greatest possible functionality despite the affordable prices. White and black body of the AeroCool VS-92 series is suitable for computers of any power from simple office appliances to the professional game stations — it will not be possible to reach compromise here. The universal design of new products allows to collect both the accurate systems, and elaborate computer systems for enthusiasts with lamps of illumination and numerous fans.

The VS-92 front panel includes two USB connectors 3.0, audio ports and eight grids covering internal compartments and providing access for air flows and also the LCD display of the temperature sensor. Depending on the selected model sidewalls of the body can open a view of lighting engineering installed inside (White Window Edition, Black Window Edition) or to provide additional with places for installation of fans (White Edition, Black Edition).

The spacious internal compartment of the body allows to install the most powerful video cards up to 40 cm long, to six 2.5-or 3.5-inch hard drives, to three 5.25-inch drives with the preset clips for assembly acceleration. Fastenings for the power supply on a modern fashion are located in the lower part of construction. Among other important features of VS-92 it is possible to note the cut-through opening for installation of a processor cooler without need to remove the motherboard, an extra space for laying of cables, openings for an output of bells of the water cooling system out of body limits. In total they contain up to twelve optional fans (on the lower, front, side, back and upper panels) with a diameter of 120 and 140 mm. Walls and a skeleton of new products are made of thick SPCC 0.5-millimeter steel — the computers assembled in the VS-92 body will not vibrate and jingle even at the most high load.

New products will appear in the Russian market at the end of April, 2013.