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Mango Office Contact Center

The name of the base system (platform): Mango office
Developers: Mango Office (Mango Telecom)
Date of the premiere of the system: April 2013
Last Release Date: 2024/08
Technology: Call Centers,  IP Telephony,  SaaS - Software as a Service


The main articles are:

2024: Adding "Ratings Appeal" to the "Quality Control" module

MANGO OFFICE has added Evaluation Appeal to Quality Control.

Previously, the Quality Control Module worked like this. The tool helped QA specialists analyze and evaluate all external communications of employees. And also collected feedback from buyers. But there was complexity. If the operator received a negative assessment for a dialogue with a client, he did not find out about it.

Now the Assessment Appeal will instantly send the employee a notification with a feedback about his work - to the mail or to the Contact Center. And it will help to challenge the poor assessment. Read more here.


Launch of the Messenger Marketing service

On May 26, 2023, MANGO OFFICE announced the launch of additional contact center functionality.

Messengermarketing The "-" service is used to organize mass mailings SMS in and, WhatsApp allowing you to send text messages to a large number of numbers. This makes it possible to build personalized communications with the audience in familiar and convenient text channels. Users of the MANGO OFFICE contact center now have the ability to improve the efficiency of customer acquisition and retention processes without the need to connect additional services.

Thanks to integration the contact center platform, Messenger Marketing provides extensive functionality. All messages are saved in the customer's history and are available for analysis at any time. It is possible to identify which messages the client responds to better and use this information one to more accurately fall into his need. Audience segmentation is available using subject matter and address book, as well as personalization content using variables from data about the recipient (his name, personal account balance, loyalty card number, etc.).

For the greatest efficiency of the service, you can connect a chat bot: it will instantly answer the client's question if he has shown interest, and, if necessary, switch to a specialist.

Another plus of the service is cascading mailings - sequentially sending messages to various channels: if the client does not open a message in WhatsApp, he is sent a double in the form of SMS. This approach significantly increases the likelihood that the client will read the message.

Messenger marketing is relevant in almost any business where it is important to attract and retain customers, "said Marina Ivanchenko, Director of Products and Marketing at MANGO OFFICE. - If you segment the audience correctly and create an accurate offer, customers are likely to join the conversation, which means that companies will increase their chances of additional sales. The main thing is to monitor the quality of text messages, not to abuse mailings and not forget that the value of content and a personal approach to the client are the keys to success.

The Messenger Marketing service is available to users of the MANGO OFFICE Contact Center without additional settings and payments, the company emphasized.

Start the WorkForce Management service

MANGO OFFICE on March 24, 2023 announced the launch of the WorkForce Management (WFM) service to plan the work of staff at call centers, sales departments and customer support.

Mango WFM allows you to control the quality of work of employees and business processes of the contact center. Thanks to the service, it is possible to reduce the time for planning and scheduling of operators in manual mode or in third-party applications, reduce the cost of PHY and quickly respond to load changes without loss in quality of service.

The service automatically makes the optimal schedule, showing how many operators need to be put on the line in order to ensure the necessary level of service. The number of employees is determined by a smart forecast of the load on the contact center based on the analysis of historical data.

Mango WFM is built into the MANGO OFFICE contact center platform and provides easy operation from a single interface, as well as seamless integration with telephony. The service allows you to quickly make changes to the schedule and monitor and monitor its implementation. The duration of work shifts, the number of breaks and other indicators are analyzed and taken into account. Based on the data, reports are generated that are presented in an intuitive interface.

This Mango WFM tool ensures the effectiveness of the labor management process, "said Marina Ivanchenko, Product and Marketing Director of MANGO OFFICE. - The system takes into account the wave-like nature of the load and allows you to ensure the fulfillment of the required level of service without unnecessary costs at any time, which is extremely important for any call center. We estimate that Mango WFM reduces the cost of scheduling operations by 80% and also has a positive impact on the customer experience, employee loyalty and business processes of the company.

2021: Adding Task Type - "Orders"

On January 28, 2021, the developer of cloud solutions for professional communications "Mango Telecom" announced the release of an updated version of its platform for contact centers - with more advanced tools for setting and controlling employees' tasks.

This is an extremely important addition to the inventory of the MANGO OFFICE contact center, "explains product manager Nikolai Babkin. - The supervisor is able to more effectively manage the subordinate group of operators on the line, sellers or customer service specialists due to the fact that the system allows you to assign personal tasks, determine priorities for them and clearly track performance - directly in the workplace interface.

To do this, the task type "Orders" appeared in MANGO OFFICE. Depending on the load, the employee has a choice: to accept or reject the order, but one way or another it will not be in the zone of managerial uncertainty, when the manager, in principle, has no understanding of whether the task is in operation and who is specifically responsible for it. Options are available for scheduling due dates, tracking overdue cases, and checking for orders declared executed.

Employees have the ability to independently create notes with reminders of important issues, save them as tasks, and, if necessary, even assign other performers to their tasks. The entire amount of work of a particular specialist is recorded in the history of tasks.

Another change is the importance attribute. With its help, solving certain work issues is given priority, and team members are better aware of what they need to pay increased attention to.

In fact, we strive for the contact center to be not only a professional communication tool, but also a professional management tool - in this case, a hub for managing employees' tasks, adds Babkin. - This is especially true when many companies work remotely, and the management function is often inferior due to the lack of tools, a really working control system and additional motivation of personnel.


Ability to assess the skills of operators on the line

The Mango Office Contact Center now helps you evaluate the skills of operators on the line. The company announced this on December 16, 2020.

In the large winter package of cloud software updates for Mango Office contact centers, an improved operator qualification analytics has appeared.

This is a visual representation of the work done on the line - individually for each employee or group. The head of the contact center or the supervisor can monitor the qualitative changes in the service offered to clients by certain specialists in dynamics, but more importantly, to mark areas of professional growth and more consciously manage personnel development programs.

Qualification charts are already available to companies using Mango Office technologies in their contact centers, and for free - as an additional report in the Quality Control module.

Technically, such a skill map can form indicators for all significant parameters: product knowledge, a set of negotiation tactics used, reaction to objections, tone, speech literacy and others. Visualization is fully customizable and can display any rating configuration for specific tasks in sales or client service. Data is automatically applied to the petal chart, and its changes in time show achievements or, conversely, aggravating errors of each employee.

The most valuable resource in the contact center is people who go on the line every day and work with customers, the attitude towards the company as a whole depends on the operators, "says Nikolai Babkin, product manager of Mango Telecom. - Therefore, we give our users maximum opportunities to objectively assess and develop the professionalism of employees.

Skill cards complement the many Mango Office tools that solve this problem: from the gamification inventory of contact center operations to speech analysis technologies and systems for interactive assessment of service indicators directly by customers.

Call centers Operators Quality Control System Startup

On June 23, 2020, Mango Telecom announced the launch of a comprehensive operator performance assessment system on its contact center platform. The system combines three tools: a service for collecting customer ratings, an interactive checklist for filling in by supervisors and voice analysis tools.

Mango Office Quality Control

According to the company, this system will make it possible to better control employees responsible for direct interaction with customers and achieve a higher quality of service. To do this, Mango Telecom implemented an integrative approach. The head of the contact center is invited to operate not with disparate data from different sources, but to work with reports that combine user assessments and supervisor assessments - for each operator on the line, for each conversation that took place.

By completing the call to the call center, the client can give an assessment to the consultant who worked with him. The score received for the conversation will be automatically recorded in the appeal card. Later, the system will return to this point when the same contact with the call center is studied by the senior manager - already by recording the call and using a customizable interactive form for assessing the quality of the operator's work.

The company will be able to form a checklist for itself, taking into account its peculiarities of interaction with customers. Listening to the conversation, the supervisor will note the most important aspects: whether sellers promote the necessary shares, whether they follow a pre-prepared script, whether they are polite, whether they provide all the necessary information, whether they really solve the client's problem, etc. Thus, the system will retain the second, expert, assessment of the quality of the same operator.

To increase the effectiveness of control at the preparatory stage, you can use speech analysts MANGO OFFICE tools to automatically select certain types of calls as priorities - for example, calls at the most marginal services or calls that mention competitors.

Having accumulated data, the system will indicate to operators or specific negotiations, the low ratings of which coincide among customers and supervisors, will make it clear exactly what difficulties arise, will outline the development zones.

The functions of the MANGO OFFICE contact center are able to support the work to improve the quality of service and track how the sales or customer satisfaction indicators change depending on the skills and behavior of operators, their trainings.

Poor first-line performance can offset all advances in marketing. Obviously, faced with the wrong treatment he expects, with insufficient qualifications as a seller or consultant, a prospective customer is highly likely to turn down a deal. At the same time, it is known that companies with good service performance, all other things being equal, receive a different level of conversion from appeals to transactions.

explained in "Mango Telecom"


Wallboard Service Launch

On November 20, 2019, Mango Telecom announced the launch of a service that will help the heads of contact centers maintain and develop the motivation of operators on the line. The solution is called Wallboard (English "wall panel"), you can connect it on the platform of a virtual PBX or MANGO OFFICE contact center, and use it as a web application for smart TV. Read more here.

Add Sales Management Transaction Solution

On October 29, 2019, Mango Telecom announced that it had added a sales management solution to its product. The company produces it on the basis of the contact center platform .

The service pack is called "Transactions." Enterprises that, for one reason or another, consider it inappropriate to implement traditional CRMs will get their hands on a simple and effective sales accounting and automation system. "Transactions" work in the contact center interface, do not require any other software or complex integrations.

Ability to add clients to the database automatically

Functions work in conjunction with communication tools. Based on any appeal - by phone, in a chat on the site, in a messenger, on a social network or by e-mail - all available information about the client is recorded: name, number, email, associated accounts. Fields with contact data are filled in automatically (if necessary, they can be supplemented) and entered into the database. The database accumulates information about the applications and purchases of each client, and also stores a complete history of communications through all channels.

At any time, such data will help the sales manager to quickly immerse himself in the context of interaction with the desired customer and make a more accurate offer of products or services. At the same time, access to the common database can be limited by granting sellers rights only to data on those clients with whom they work directly.

Ability to process all types of cases

Repeat sales can be automated - literally planning every next deal. It is enough for the manager to set a task in the system, and at the appointed time, telephony will connect the responsible manager with the client, and before that it will remind of existing agreements, past orders or reasons why they did not take place - in order to strengthen the negotiating position. In many cases, if this work is not separately controlled, companies lose up to half of possible re-sales due to the reluctance of sellers to engage in them or banal disorganization.

With the help of "Deals" the sales manager can analyze in detail the effectiveness of his division and find points of growth. The existing funnel is simulated and all current customer work is distributed to its levels. It is clear at what stage of negotiations managers have problems or a significant volume of failures, which means that it is necessary to analyze tactics and arguments for a more successful passage of a complex conversion.

If the company works with cold sales, the Transactions toolkit will allow you to quickly monitor the conversion rate and progress in achieving planned results. The statuses of departments and separately employees are displayed on the dashboard online - it is easy to track the overall progress on calls, transactions and financial indicators.

The "Transactions" package will be activated by all users of the MANGO OFFICE contact center by the end of October, when Mango Telecom completes the roll out of the latest version of the application. "Deals" are available in two paid versions: "Light" with a basic set of features and PRO, which opens up all new features.

The ability to order professional development of scripts for telephone sales

On August 6, 2019, the company "" Mango Telecom offered users of cloudy contact center the MANGO OFFICE platform the opportunity to order professional development of scripts for telephone sales.

With this service, we go beyond providing a purely technical service and partly cover the area, consulting

According to Kozlovsky, the idea began some time after Mango Telecom talked about the functionality of the script designer for its contact center. The tool received high marks for the convenience of creating and editing extensive dialogs, expanded capabilities for controlling operators on the line and, most importantly, built-in tools for analyzing the effectiveness of negotiation tactics and sellers working on them. However, a number of Mango Telecom clients simply did not have the necessary competencies to prepare scripts for their managers on their own.

We identified this need more and more often, and came to the conclusion that there is definitely a business here. Moreover, the benefits are mutual, which is very consistent with the ideology of Mango Telecom. This explains why we took such a step and started offering a non-technical service,
'adds Kozlovsky '

Mango Telecom has created a special division - a team of professional scriptologists with experience covering all the main industries in which MANGO OFFICE telephony users operate. But when selecting experts, they focused not only on a successful background in a particular area.

Special knowledge, mastery of modern and classical practices and ultimately the ability not only to prescribe dialogues, but to create really effective sales techniques for different situations and contexts of client communications are important for the scriptologist.
'tells Kozlovsky '

Work on scripts begins with an in-depth interview. The goal is to thoroughly study the business, identify the peculiarities of the work of a particular company with customers, determine the areas of interactions that can be implemented on the basis of a particular negotiation scenario.

As a result, the customer receives scripts loaded into the contact center software, as well as documentation: files with block diagrams, detailed characteristics of each speech module and its mechanic, instructions on the actions of managers with methodological recommendations.

On the seller's computer, the script works by giving hints of replicas depending on the reaction of the interlocutor. She is noted by the manager during the conversation in order to move forward with the script. You can use ready-made dialogs both directly from the MANGO OFFICE contact center and in the Bitrix24 interface, for which Mango Telecom has implemented direct integration of the script and telephony module.

According to Andrei Kozlovsky, the service will increase revenue due to the depth of use of MANGO OFFICE services by current users and attract an additional client audience. As of August 2019, more than 50 thousand business clients in 67 cities of Russia use the operator's services.

Update with remote operator monitoring capabilities

On March 21, 2019, Mango Telecom announced that it had updated the cloud contact center.

Mango Office

According to the company, a control panel available through the browser has appeared to track the key indicators of the contact center in real time. MANGO OFFICE users have received a major update to the contact center platform - with additional remote control capabilities for operators working on the line.

Mango Office

The main update is an improved mobile dashboard, which displays in real time the indicators of selling or servicing units in the context of staff activity and efficiency.

The control panel is fully customizable. The contact center manager can create the required set of reports and group them on the screen in a convenient form.

More than 30 different metrics are available for placement on the dashboard, including characteristics of the flow of calls, statistics on the average waiting time for a response, the processing speed of various types of contacts, the indicators of missed calls, the level of workload of employees and other parameters.

The reports are presented in a graphic diagram. According to representatives of Mango Telecom, the main task that the developers set themselves when designing a dashboard is to provide the ability to visualize all indicators, the tracking of which is critical from the point of view of business tasks and business processes - regardless of which area the enterprise works and how its contact center is organized.

Mango Office

Also, dashboards allow you to compare the effectiveness of workgroups (for example, sales teams in different regions) and individual employees. Moreover, in comparative characteristics - with detail at the level of how many percent of efficiency distinguish the indicators of the division of interest or a specific consultant from others or from the average.

Display all significant KPIs on the screen and enable managers to work with them as related metrics, in a complex, that is, objectively assess progress and read problems - this is what the dashboard should have offered to users, they comment on Mango Telecom.

In March 2019, managers spend up to 70% of their time at work meetings and meetings. Therefore, access to the control panel can provide a real improvement in the quality and efficiency of management decisions - especially in remote mode.

Dashboard is available at a protected link and is optimized for all common web browsers, including mobile ones. Mango Telecom clarifies that the optimization of the display of control panels on different devices and on different displays took a total of more than 300 hours.

The dashboard functionality is available for the Business and Business PRO versions, the update is provided to users for free.

Update Service Quality Control Tools

On January 31, 2019, the company Mango Telecom"" announced the first update cloudy contact center of the MANGO OFFICE functionality in 2019, which expands the capabilities of this platform to automate control over the quality of client service.

According to the company, the update combines several functions that help the head of the contact center keep his hand on the pulse of operators. For example, the system will automatically notify about a telephone conversation recorded on the line with a client for a period of time in excess of the established time, the absence of a response to a chat address within a certain period of time, protracted correspondence on a social network and other similar events. This makes it possible to receive a signal and pay attention to the problem case in time, eliminating a possible error in working with the client.

The development of Mango Telecom solutions is based on the study of real business practices. The operator provides professional communication tools to enterprises in all major industries and has the opportunity to work closely with representatives of various areas - from trade and construction to financial and medical services. Therefore, Mango Telecom has an expertise available to plan the development of products and services based on the current needs of companies.

2018: Release of the "Contact Center" to replace the "Call Center"

On November 6, 2018, Mango Telecom announced the release of a contact center solution that will replace the previous call center platform in the MANGO OFFICE line.

The platform offers omnichannel, an expanded set of communication tools and technologies, as well as real-time tracking functions for more than 50 performance indicators, task fulfillment and operator performance.

Updated Operator Workplace

The main innovation is a completely redesigned interface of the operator's workplace with a single feed and a history of calls through all channels: calls, web chats, social networks, instant messengers. And also - smart algorithms for the distribution of calls between operators, taking into account the current load in the channels.

At the same time, the system automatically monitors missed calls and messages. Finding them, she notifies the responsible specialist, and puts the situation itself under the control of the manager. In the event of a successful follow-up contact with a client whose case has been ignored, the task is automatically removed from the operator scheduler and the reminders are turned off.

Work planning

The scheduler works not only with automatically created orders, but also with tasks added in manual mode. The Contact Center Manager has the ability to assign tasks to specific employees or attach tasks to customer profiles. Then the task is included in the schedulers of all or several operators at the same time - before its execution.

Full control

The manager receives an analytical summary from the contact center for all employees - based on information constantly accumulated in the system about the real workload of operators and the status of their scheduled tasks. Over time, the indicators of actual work on the line and overdue orders are monitored.

The control panel has a mobile interface for the operational assessment of the main KPIs, and when a peak load occurs in the contact center, the manager receives an instant notification.

Telemarketing Capabilities

The updated MANGO OFFICE contact center has significantly redesigned the automation of mass call campaigns, one of the most important telemarketing tools.

Calling can be carried out by operators or organize primary communication using a voice robot, connecting to an employee's conversation only if the potential client has expressed interest. This makes it possible to efficiently distribute the working time of the personnel.

MANGO OFFICE is integrated with all CRMs common on the Russian market and has access to their address books, which makes working with contacts more efficient. Another option is to segment the bases for calling with CRM tools and export contacts to telephony.

General outgoing call campaign settings take into account parameters such as time zones, number availability, and the maximum number of connection attempts allowed. After the call is completed, the system generates a detailed report on it.

Outgoing Call Statistics

The contact center has a built-in script designer, with the help of which operators can work with clients according to a pre-prepared script - with hints of replicas depending on the reaction of the interlocutor. A distinctive feature of this MANGO OFFICE solution is analytics, which allows not only to compare various negotiation tactics with each other, but also on statistics on all applications of a particular script reveals its weaknesses, that is, fragments of a dialogue with a high average level of customer failures. This helps to quickly identify script problems and work to increase conversion.

The presented contact center is perhaps our successful product. Each of its components, the entire set of functions are thought out in detail and implemented without any compromises. We actively interacted with users, studied hundreds of real cases so that the service we present meets the needs and expectations of companies building client communications at a really high level as much as possible.

With the MANGO OFFICE platform, you can create a contact center for the tasks of any business and at the same time - in any configuration, including traditional models, and popular distributed contact centers with remote employees or employees working from home. The only thing they need is a computer, Internet access and a headset.

MANGO OFFICE Contact Center has been available for connection since early November 2018. Planned migration to the presented platform of users of the previous solution - "Call Center" - will be completed in the first quarter of 2019.

2017: Dynamic call tracking is integrated in the Central Administrative District

On September 27, 2017, Mango Telecom introduced technology that makes it possible to significantly influence the course of negotiations in the process of telephone sales and consultations. In particular, it provides access to data on the actions of a potential buyer before the time of the call.

Thanks to the technology presented, even before the greeting is uttered, the seller has an extensive knowledge of what the caller is interested in, what his goals and preferences are. This allows you to formulate more valuable and accurate proposals, work more efficiently with questions and objections, build cross-sales tactics.

Unlike regular call tracking, the information does not arrive after the customer calls, but online

From a technical point of view, we are talking about integration of dynamic call tracking into the cloud call center Mango Office. Each call is identified by a unique telephone number. The user interface of the operator on the line in real time is loaded with information about what request the caller used to search for a product or service, which advertisement went to the site, which sections he viewed before calling, and, being on which page of the site, began to dial the phone number. The data array also includes geographical tags and notification of the duration of the Internet session - how long the potential client spent on the site in total. The ability to competently operate this information gives the seller a tangible advantage.

In a normal situation, the sales manager acts blindly, focusing exclusively on the client's requests voiced in plain text. But imagine that you can work at a deeper level - with context or even with insights. Then your negotiations are more likely to lead to success, and the check will be higher. You have a chance to look "on the other side" of the client's needs, and the client will have a complete feeling that you understand his tasks perfectly and even predict his wishes, "said Tatyana Sazonova, product marketing manager at the Mango Office Call Center.

The function is already available to users of the Mango Office call center of all versions, except for the youngest - "Light." The fee for use is 1,000 rubles per month.


Mango Office has modified quality controls

On June 25, 2015, Mango Office announced the expansion of real-time quality control capabilities.

A number of features have been added to the metrics panel of the Mango Office Cloud Call Center (CCM), which provides real-time telephone service control. In particular, the metrics "Service level" and "Average waiting time in the queue" will allow you to track important parameters of service quality that directly affect customer satisfaction and sales volumes.

Many companies operating in the contact center market apply the "80/20 golden rule": 80% of calls must receive an answer within 20 seconds. To determine this percentage, the Service Level indicator has been entered in the Mango Office CMO. The manager can set up a minimum level, at which an automatic alert will follow. For SMB companies, it can be either lower or higher than 80%, depending on the intensity of calls, the type of activity of the enterprise and the resources that it is ready to allocate for servicing incoming calls.

The average waiting time for an operator response is a key indicator on which not only consumer loyalty depends, but also the number of missed calls. For companies specializing in telephone sales, skipping calls is extremely undesirable - it leads to the loss of potential customers.

The Data Center Scorecard helps you monitor other parameters for incoming calls:

  • the number of calls received and missed,
  • the number of calls in the queue,
  • the level of workload of employees,
  • number of free operators
  • percent of immediate response.

The panel has added characteristics of outgoing calling, including the intensity of the operators, the percentage of dialing and the average call time. The latter indicator is used by specialized call centers when conducting telemarketing campaigns to assess their success.

These TsOV functions allow you to see a complete picture of working with customers by phone in real time and at an early stage stop the development of undesirable trends, avoiding critical situations. The ability to select parameters for monitoring, self-adjustment of the limits of permissible values, and convenient analytical reports help calculate the optimal number and load of operators to achieve the desired service indicators.

"Companies implementing CAPs usually want to not only improve some private performance, but also gain sustainable competitive advantages by improving the efficiency of customer interaction. In a crisis, every call from a potential buyer becomes especially valuable to the company. And the quality of the service can be the means that will help keep customers and win in the competition, "said Aleksei Bessarabsky, head of branding and PR at Mango Office. - Now TsOV users have received a full set of telephone service control capabilities. They will be able not only to effectively solve their problems, but also to optimize labor costs, which is especially important in a difficult economic situation. "

The functionality of the "Call Center" has been updated

On June 10, 2015, Mango Office introduced the new capabilities of the "Call Center" (CEC)[1].

Users of the service now have a tool for collecting and analyzing data from customers. According to the developers, the functionality will be useful to heads of marketing and sales departments.

TsO marketing analytics capabilities help capture and analyze information received from customers:

  • the origins of information about the company,
  • reasons for no-deal,
  • reasons for calls to the technical support service,
  • strengths and weaknesses of the service
  • much more.

The system will help in conducting telephone surveys and marketing research, in collecting and systematizing the data necessary to optimize the company's work in various areas, for example, identifying the most frequently asked questions by customers will make it possible to develop answer scripts for them, optimizing personnel labor costs and improving the quality of service. The use of TsOV analytics in conjunction with static call tracking systems will help assess the effectiveness of advertising channels by the number of attracted calls that ended in sales.

The new functionality is implemented in the form of a report on the topics of appeals. The list of topics is formed in accordance with the needs of the company. When talking to customers, employees ask the necessary questions and note the answers in a convenient menu. The manager receives summary reports with filtering capabilities for various parameters. The final report can be viewed on the screen, printed, uploaded to an Excel spreadsheet, exported to PDF or HTML.

"Telephone conversations with customers are a source of valuable information for the company. However, it is usually stored in such a form that it is problematic to bring it together. At best - in the form of recordings of conversations, at worst - in the heads of employees, - said Aleksei Bessarabsky, head of the branding and PR department of Mango Office. - A new marketing tool allows you to accumulate data in the course of your daily work, with little to no additional labor. And then the manager will be able to get information in a few clicks that will help not only more competently distribute the marketing budget through communication channels, but also probe weaknesses in supply, sales and service, and find new opportunities for business development. "

The system is focused on SMB enterprises and helps businesses move from responding to problems in telephone communication to preventing them. The service makes it possible to monitor the work of specialists serving customers by phone in real time, control their download and correctly allocate resources. The service provides opportunities for training employees and creating incentive programs based on objective data (KPI).


Automated Critical Notification System implemented

On December 17, 2014, Mango office announced the introduction of an automatic notification system for critical situations when servicing telephone calls in real time.

The new system expands the control over the work of the front office, reduces fatigue and personnel errors.

The principle of operation of the new notification system: for groups or individual employees, the manager selects the most important performance indicators from the statistics automatically created by the MANGO OFFICE Call Center. These could be:

  • the length of the incoming call queue,
  • maximum time to wait for a response,
  • number of free employees,
  • the number and percentage of missed calls in the last hour,
  • the level of workload of operators, etc.

For the selected indicators, which are now collected in a compact "live summary," the manager sets critical values ​ ​ - "yellow" and "red" zones. Upon the output of the indicator, the system automatically informs the manager and employees of the group to one of the critical zones, while the manager sees all the indicators, and the ordinary employee only his own.

There are two options for notifications: color indication on the monitor screen or by e-mail. The first option is preferred if the manager continuously monitors the work of the department. Email is more convenient with remote monitoring, when the manager has only a smartphone.

According to a January 2014 study conducted by Mango Telecom, about 80% of TsOV users are trading companies and organizations that provide various services to the population and business. For them, failure to comply with approved incoming call service standards means direct losses and reputational costs.

The new notification system for any number of users of TsOV Mango office allows you to notice negative trends when they begin to appear, prevent their development.

"Call Center allows medium and small companies to look at customer service over the phone in a whole new way. Telephony ceases to be a "black box," and all communications of a geographically distributed enterprise turn into a flexible, fully controlled and completely transparent business process with clear performance indicators, - said Dmitry Byzov, CEO of Mango office. - Our TsOV has always provided these opportunities. But with a large flow of calls and an ever-changing situation with their processing, it can be extremely difficult to keep track of many indicators at once, notice the first alarming signs and immediately respond to them. As a result, the field of view of the leader narrowed to a small number of parameters, and the rest, although counted, were not actually used. The response time to emerging problems also increased. All this reduced the effectiveness of the use of CMF. Now these problems are in the past. "

Internal chat of the call center is implemented

On October 9, 2014, Mango Office announced the launch of a new feature for users of the Call Center - internal chat service.

According to the developers, the built-in chat will allow users of the Mango Office Call Center to send instant messages to each other directly from the business application interface. You can send personal and group messages, work with the archive, as well as control by managers.

The strategic importance of the internal chat of Mango Office is the expansion of the complex of business communication tools for the organization's employees, support for the communication style popular among young employees, avoiding the problems of using traditional Internet messengers in the enterprise.

According to an internal study conducted in April 2014 by Mango Office, most often the Call Center cloud service is used by the sales department (39%) or the entire company (29%).

In the first case, the built-in chat will be in demand, since sales employees get the opportunity, without interrupting the conversation with the client, to consult with colleagues or the manager in real time. At the same time, colleagues can quickly answer them in the chat if they are busy with a telephone conversation.

Internal chat preserves communication history and allows employees and their managers to view previously received and sent text messages. The new TsOV function organically fits into the system of optional recording of all communications with clients implemented by Mango Office, including telephone conversations, calls from the site, e-mail correspondence and instant messages.

A feature of the internal chat of the Mango Office Call Center is integration into the user interface of the business application. Chat uses the statuses and address book of service users, allows you to write a message at any time, does not distract from work.

"The appearance of a new type of communications in the Mango Office Call Center is caused both by the wishes of our customers and by the analysis of the use of this business application in our company and among subscribers. The general trend is confirmed: among employees of modern companies, especially in the field of technology, there are more and more those who are more convenient to communicate in correspondence. Such employees often respond more quickly if they are asked to write down their thoughts rather than express them. At the same time, they do not like e-mail, where you need to carefully draw up a letter, send, wait for an answer. Chat is more convenient for them - this is an imitation of live communication. He wrote - immediately received an answer. This type of communication is especially popular among young people, representatives of generation Y, who already make up a significant share of the personnel of the divisions directly involved in the processing of the flow of calls, - said Dmitry Byzov, CEO of Mango Office. - Therefore, even during the initial design of the Call Center, the functionality and usability of the internal chat were worked out. Working on its implementation, we paid equal attention to ensuring that the internal chat of the Call Processing Center was, on the one hand, simple, familiar and convenient for users, and on the other hand, met the requirements for corporate communications and, in particular, did not "distract" employees to correspondence with friends, relatives, in a word, to non-working communication. We have carefully checked the functionality of the MANGO OFFICE Call Center chat inside the company and are confident that the new tool will really help our subscribers work more efficiently and with more pleasure. "

Internal chat is already available to new and existing subscribers of the MANGO OFFICE Call Center. At the same time, users of the version "Up to 15 users and more" receive the new function automatically and free of charge.


2013 results

The number of TsOV connections during the year has grown to 700 organizations. In April 2013, Mango-Office used more than 60 enterprises on an ongoing basis, seven months later (in November 2013 there were already 440 such enterprises, and by the end of March 2014 - more than 600). This dynamics continued in April-May, and in the spring of 2014 there were already over 700 such organizations.

During the year, the monthly income from the TsOV service also grew steadily. In March 2014, it exceeded 1 million rubles, and in April - reached the level of 1.24 million rubles. Until August, rapid income growth (at the level of 43-56% per month) provided pent-up demand from enterprises that had previously thought out options for using the Mango-Office TsOV. Since July 2013, a second wave of customers appeared who did not have a ready-made implementation plan and were attracted after the product entered the market. From December 2013 to May 2014, this growing group of customers provides sustained revenue growth of 7-15% monthly. The period from August to November 2013 was transitional: the total contribution of the first and second waves gave a monthly income growth of 20-27%.

In parallel, another process was going on: the gradual awareness by potential users of the importance of the Mango-Office TsOS to improve business performance led to the fact that for an increasing number of enterprises it was the TsOS that became the main or one of the main arguments in favor of introducing "cloud" business applications "Mango Telecom." Thus, in October 2013, the number of new clients purchasing Mango Office COV and VATS exceeded the number of sales of Mango Telecom's existing subscribers of other services for the first time. From July to September 2013, new subscribers provided a third of the TsOV connections (33%), in October this figure increased to 55%, and in April 2014 reached the level of 59%.

Most of the new connections of the TsOV service are in small businesses. At the same time, more than 70% of companies choose a version of up to five users, the share of the version for 15 users gradually increases (from 15 to 19%), and versions for 40 and 100 users practically does not change.

Recall that CMC licensing determines the maximum number of simultaneously working users, while the number of employees systematically using CMC can be much higher. According to Mango Telecom as of January 2014, 62% of organizations using the Mango-Office TsOV have from 5 to 40 employees; 12% each fall on the groups "from 41 to 100 employees" and "over 100 employees." And only the remaining 14% are enterprises where up to 5 people work.

During the year, the structure of the client base of the Mango-Office Central Business Center also changed. The first users were: online trading (33%); enterprises specializing in financial consulting (14%); companies working in real estate and construction (12%) or tourism and recreation (8%). This data shows the initial state of the client base (May 2013). In the next six months, the shares of online trading (up to 50%), as well as tourism and recreation (up to 15%) increased; the share of construction and real estate practically did not change (decreased by 1%), and the share of the financial sector decreased by 3%. At the same time, in absolute terms, all sectors grew. The transformation of the second wave of users into the main source of new connections was reflected not only in the growth rate, but also in the industry structure of the customer base of the Central Economic District. In May 2014, retail and wholesale enterprises (44%) predominate among users of this BPS. 9-10% each fall on legal companies and service providers for the population (beauty salons, taxis, pizza delivery, etc.). And 5-7% of the client base occupy seven more segments: health care and education; construction and real estate; tourism and recreation; transportation (sale, maintenance and repair); extraction of raw materials and production; consulting and marketing; financial services (banks, audit, insurance).

The geography of demand was also changing. In the initial period, mainly enterprises Moscow (69%) and (17%) became users St. Petersburg of TsOV. In the future, the targeted work of the central and regional offices of Mango Telecom led to an increase in the popularity of the service in the regions of the Russian Federation (currently, Moscow accounts for 67% of new connections, St. Petersburg this figure is at the level of 10-11%, and in other regions of Mango Telecom's presence are leading (5% Yekaterinburg) and (4 Rostov-on-Don %). Continuing and strengthening this trend is an important task of the company for the coming years.

Call Processing Center "Mango-Office"

On April 12, 2013, Mango Telecom announced the start of commercial provision of a new "cloud" service Call Processing Center (TsOV) "Mango-Office." This is the first system on the Russian market that allows an enterprise to move from responding to certain problems in telephone communication with potential and existing customers to preventing them. The use of TsOV qualitatively changes the work of ordinary employees, middle managers, top managers and the enterprise as a whole. Sales performance, customer support, satisfaction and loyalty are significantly improved. Fundamentally new opportunities are opening up in responding to non-standard requests, as well as in training, motivation, control and development of personnel. At the same time, the Mango-Office TsOV business application is specially designed for the SMB segment and is designed for rapid implementation without the involvement of professional consultants. The service of TsOV "Mango-Office" is of primary interest for online stores, metropolitan representative offices of regional companies, suppliers of professional legal, consulting and educational services, as well as any other enterprises whose activities are related to the processing of a large number of incoming calls. At the same time, Mango Telecom launches a new service simultaneously in all cities of presence: in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don and Kazan.

The Mango-Office TsOV shows anyone - small, medium or large geographically distributed enterprise - the whole set of external and internal calls processed by the Mango-Office virtual PBX. Built-in tools allow you to quickly understand this data and identify situations that violate corporate service standards and can irritate the client. Here you can also take optimal corrective actions, for example, "transfer" part of the queue to a idle office, connect to a conversation in listening, conference or breathing mode, change its script or transfer the call to a more qualified specialist. Let's emphasize that all these actions are performed in real time.

The call falls into the field of view of the call center even at the stage of listening to the voice menu (IVR ) called or inclusion in the waiting queue for a connection with an employee, and with the help of AON and contact cards, the system instantly recognizes already known customers or partners and displays information about them instead of telephone numbers. This allows you to personalize the company's response to a call, identify key customers, and, if necessary, direct the processing of the call bypassing the current regulations.

The information and set of tools that Mango-Office TsOS provides to a specific employee depends on his role in the communication system. So, an ordinary employee of the sales department or technical support service sees only those calls that he can "pick up," the head of the sales department - calls processed or available to all his subordinates, and the top manager controls the consolidated picture of telephone communications of the entire enterprise. Depending on the role, the set of available tools also changes.

High-quality processing of each telephone contact is only part of the tasks that are solved using the Mango-Office TsOV. The other part is a more rational use of employees' working time, more transparent and effective motivation, a more informed choice of directions for professional growth. Moreover, here, as in the call processing unit, the system supports the cooperation of ordinary performers and management of the enterprise. So, seeing a growing entry line of calls, an employee can call his colleagues and postpone a technical break or scheduled calls to his customers. Such a decision increases both his personal performance and the effectiveness of the division. And this, in turn, increases the bonuses of each employee.

In addition, the employee can compare personal results with current performance indicators in his or her own and other departments; see which parameters of his work are normal, and which need to be tightened. Naturally, the head of the department also has this information - throughout his area of ​ ​ responsibility. This gives him the opportunity to introduce an effective system of key performance indicators (KPIs), as well as, without creating conflicts with subordinates, to develop personal development programs for them that reflect the balance of interests of personnel, departments and enterprises as a whole.

The influence of the Mango-Office TsOV on the business of the enterprise is far from being limited. Thus, the manager can create a system of mentoring and mutual assistance in his division, organize work with complex clients, purposefully influence the functioning of the division in the entire communications system of the enterprise. Moreover, all these components operate in real time!

In turn, the organization gets the opportunity to introduce uniform standards for the quality of telephone communications and continuously monitor their implementation. In addition, the most efficient use of all human resources is achieved - taking into account the qualifications of specialists and regardless of the location of offices and specific workplaces. At the same time, the TsOV tools allow you to objectively compare the effectiveness of departments and step by step detail the picture - up to identifying specific problem indicators. These capabilities are also provided in real time.

But the main effect of the implementation of the Mango-Office TsOV is associated with a positive impact on the overall impression of customers from interaction with the enterprise (Total User Experience), that is, on the indicator that has a decisive impact on customer loyalty. He will undoubtedly feel and appreciate the quick and qualified responses of the company's employees, their goodwill and adequate response to non-standard requests. Such relationships with the client are characteristic of startups and very small enterprises. But only the use of the new "cloud" business application "Mango Telecom" allows you to turn this style of communication into technology and preserve it with any increase in business scale.

"Our new service continues the main line of development of VATS" Mango-Office, "which ensured its dominance in the segments of traditional virtual PBXs and business applications with integrated telephony. Our VATS creates a single information and communication space at the enterprise and a full-fledged control loop for the entire telephone communication system. The reaction time can be reduced to a minimum - in the limit case, even up to a minute. But even then some calls will be lost, and the caller will take out a negative experience from an attempt to communicate with the company. Of course, you can try to call back and fix the situation, but this path is associated with the costs and complexity of business processes. Nor does it guarantee that the initial disappointment will be forgotten. However, until today there was no better option, "says Dmitry Byzov, CEO of Mango Telecom. - Our new development completely changes this situation. The company gets the opportunity to be proactive, and with any flow of calls. With the help of TsOV "Mango-Office," entrepreneurs and managers can implement completely new ideas in sales, marketing, personnel management, operational management. This is a huge step forward, a new field for creating competitive advantages. I also emphasize that the business application "Mango-Office" is not designed for human robots, but for those who consider themselves to be an employee of their enterprise. Efficiency is by no means synonymous with conflict, subsidence, squeezing out the last juices. There is another way, and it is on him that our new development calls Russian business. "
