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Баннер в шапке 2
2013/04/23 15:48:07

Use of noise suppressors for solution of the problem of decrease in noise level

The noise created by industrial facilities of power represents a serious environmental problem. Acoustic pollution in the form of formation of anthropogenic physical factors (the increased noise, an infrasound) is not harmless, it leads to violation of the systems of life activity of live organisms, the person and an ecosystem in general.

The obligation of use of effective remedies of noise suppression is dictated not only the sanitary, but also nature protection legislation of the Russian Federation. Legal regulation in the field of environmental protection from negative physical impact is based on Article 55 of the Federal law of the Russian Federation "About Environmental Protection" of 1/10/2002 No. 7-FZ and sanitary standards of CH 2.2.4/ and CH 2.2.4/ regulating maximum permissible noise level for jobs, premises, public buildings and territories of the housing estate. Especially strict regulations on the acceptable noise level are shown to the objects located in residential zones or in close proximity to them, for example, to boiler houses. Treat number of the power stations which are strongly influencing the environment:

  • airintaking paths and exhaust paths of gas turbine units;
  • forced-draft machines (fans, smoke exhausters);
  • gas paths heating and boilers;
  • different type pumps;
  • uglerazmolny equipment;
  • the gas-choking equipment;
  • water-cooling towers;
  • compressors.

If the enterprise has instructions of supervisory authorities concerning the non-compliance with rules of law concerning the sanitary protection zones (SPZ), then the problem is solved by selection and installation of the corresponding noise suppressors. The existing types of noise suppressors The plants used by the enterprises are incredibly various therefore the choice of the noise suppressor and in principle solution of the problem of noise suppression should be made in a complex and individually. First of all the assessment of the noise level created by a utilities equipment is carried out. Further depending on character and origin of noise the highly effective and economic mufflers providing, on the one hand, decrease in noise level to sanitary and hygienic standards in the residential territory, on the other hand – improvement of working conditions and providing normative indicators of noise levels in workplaces are selected. The choice of noise suppressors is big. Depending on appointment it can be:

  • SHGEMPG – noise mufflers for abnormal reset of steam, a steam and gas purge;
  • SHGEMV – mufflers of noise of fans;
  • SHGEMTSK – mufflers of noise of centrifugal compressors;
  • SHGEMG – noise mufflers gas;
  • ShEmK are noise suppression casings.

Selection of the noise suppressor The algorithm of actions at solution of the problem of noise suppression of the enterprise consists of several steps: 1. Primary inspection of the territory of the enterprise regarding detection of exceeding of permissible values of noise levels at instrumental measurements in control points (the next housing estate, jobs, sanitary protection zone border of the enterprise); 2. Calculation of total levels of noise; 3. Calculation of decrease in noise levels to required (normative) indicators in control points taking into account application of these or those types of noise suppressors; 4. Calculation and development of construction of the most effective and economic versions of noise suppressors. Answers to the following questions should be for this purpose given:

  • appointment (purge, abnormal reset, etc.);
  • medium composition (steam, air, combustion gases, etc.);
  • expense;
  • environment temperature;
  • environment pressure;
  • size of the channel and expected wired logic connection;
  • noise level (it is desirable on octave bandwidths);
  • required level of absorption (noise suppressor performances);
  • admissible hydraulic resistance.

5. Development of the project documentation on installation of the noise suppressor; 6. Production and delivery of the noise suppressor and supporting structures; 6. Noise suppressor supervision of erection; 7. Measurements of noise levels in the same control points (the next housing estate, jobs, sanitary protection zone border of the enterprise); 8. Preparation of the technical report based on the performed works and on decrease in noise levels. Further within implementation of the program of production supervision the enterprise quarterly makes measurements of noise levels in control points on sanitary protection zone border. After installation of noise suppressors decrease in noise levels in these points will be observed that will give the chance to the enterprise to reduce the sanitary protection zone size on an acoustic factor if its influence was prevailing in comparison with impact of emissions of pollutants in the atmosphere. If necessary the project of adjustment (reduction) of the size of the sanitary protection zone, taking into account new noise levels is developed. Problem solving of the enterprise, coming from noise influence, will provide only complex approach. Our specialists are ready to be connected to the solution of your problems at any stage:

  • give consultation on acoustic subject;
  • book audit of the enterprise;
  • carry out measurements of noise level and an infrasound;
  • make the analytical report on acoustic subject.