The regenerated filter
In the conditions of upgrade of production and increase in its competitiveness in the industry expensive high-performance equipment is even more often used. For its protection, life extension and performance improvement it is important to solve a problem of filtering of different environments. The most widespread method is deadlock filtering through a filtering partition (materials – natural or artificial and also the products having the porous structure permeable for liquid and gas) and applied to filtering.
The corrosion-proof filter elements of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Krapukhin's filter elements) offered spring most meets all these requirements.
- subtlety of filtering from 20 to 100 microns.
- material of a filter element is korrozionno resistant steel 12X18H10T.
- steel has high mechanical properties.
- maintains temperature in the range of -200 °C – 650 °C.
The EMFR filter is designed on the basis of the innovative technology which is been the basis for production and application of spring (spiral) filter elements. Low contaminant capacity and respectively service life of the MKE ceramic-metal elements was an incitement to creation of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Are applied by Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to filtering of liquid and gaseous environments from mechanical impurity. Structurally the filter element of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission represents the spring element concluded in a framework from stainless steel, with a gap between rounds from 20 to 100 microns (fig. 3). One of end faces of a spring element is muffled, the hollow threaded bush by means of which the filter element fastens to a pipe board of the filter is welded on another. Construction of filter elements allows to recover almost completely their filtering capability after regeneration. Thanks to the design features filter elements are perfectly regenerated. At regeneration rounds are moved apart, the filtering surface increases, at the expense of it there is a release of a filter element from the pollution which settled on it. Filter elements are made of stainless steel 12X18H10T therefore chemically and corrosion-resistant. These filter elements can be used for filtering of high-temperature environments with a temperature not above 650 °C. During creation of the filter of the regenerated EMFR (Fig. 4) the main criterion was the possibility of its fast regeneration without opening of the filter. Thanks to application of the fast-regenerated filter elements of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission became possible to carry out regeneration of the filter within 10-15 minutes. The only condition is availability of compressed air or inert gas from the compressor, a cylinder or the intra shop trunk. Also the regenerative purge is allowed by steam. For regeneration of the filter in an output branch pipe the union of a regenerative purge through which in a cavity of the filter is welded in and further in filter elements the blowdown gas (compressed air, nitrogen, steam) is supplied. Before regeneration service staff should block entrance and output latches and open the line of a drainage. After that it is necessary to supply gas via the union of regeneration and to wait 10 min. During regeneration Wednesday under excessive pressure comes to an internal cavity of filter elements therefore the spring element in the directing framework is extended, at the same time slots between rounds of an element extend, and Wednesday effectively washes away (blows) the impurity delayed earlier from slots. Mechanical impurity at the same time are blown to the drainage line. After regeneration the gas supply stops, the drainage latch is closed and the inflation valve opens. Having opened an entrance latch it is necessary to wait for emergence of liquid from the inflation valve and having blocked it to open a latch at the exit from the filter. Operation on regeneration of the filter takes no more than 30 minutes 2 people. Application of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission allows to regenerate the filter, without removing its upper cover, thus, sharply reducing labor input and time of this procedure and reducing staff costs and supplies. In the course of operation of the filter there is a pollution of a surface of filter elements mechanical impurity that leads to growth of differential pressure on the filter. Process repeats. If necessary process is easily automated. An example of full automation is the demonstration installation provided in the photo (Fig. 7). Start of process of regeneration is possible on differential pressure or on time. At a manual operation mode the filter equipment the light-sound annunciator about need of inclusion of the mode of regeneration is possible.