"The system the Landscape the Project" automates management accounting by the specialized solution
Customers: Build the Landscape the Project Kazan; Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: BIT: ConstructionProject date: 2013/03 - 2013/04
Specialists of First BIT (1C: Accounting and Trade) completed the project on automation of management accounting in the construction organization "System Landscape Project" by implementation of industry solution "BIT: Construction", the company reported on April 24, 2013.
Development requires
In development of construction business owners saw need of accounting on objects according to construction specifics. There was a need for the specialized solution which allowed to automate planned and accounting functions, to timely receive analytics by construction objects.
Success of implementation
As a result of system implementation "BIT: Construction" was succeeded to optimize business processes:
- accuracy of cost accounting of objects increased
- control of the movement of materials on objects improved
- budgeting and planning became more effective
- time for preparation of accounting and tax statements was reduced
Petrov Vyacheslav Nikolaevich, the CEO of System Landscape Project company, noted: "Using a system "BIT: Construction" we carry out the accounting of not invoiced deliveries and the analysis of discrepancies according to an actual receipt of finance documents, write-offs. We keep separate account of installation and construction works, a financial analysis of a cost structure and a financial result on construction objects".