Customers: ROR world Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2007/02
Number of licenses: 5
The project of automation of software "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" for accounting of the company is complete.
Before the company there were following problems owing to which the decision to pass to the new information system "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" was made:
- the existing system does not cope with the volume of documents;
- in the existing system there was no number of algorithms necessary for normal work in modern conditions;
- the used software became morally outdated by the opportunities.
For complex automation of managerial, operational, accounting and personnel records the company management selected the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 system as the solution, the most suitable for tasks of the company. Existence of the following functionality in a system was the main criteria when choosing a system: accounting and tax accounting, budgeting, personnel records, payroll calculation.
For the purpose of operational collecting and data analysis about sales volumes and product cost, accounting and production accounting the following divisions based on "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" were automated:
- sales department;
- department of supply;
- personnel department;
- accounting;
- transport section;
- financial service;
- production workshops.
Within the project the following subsystems were implemented:
- management of finance:
- cash management;
- management of settlement;
- formation of the consolidated statements;
- sales management (completion under specifics of the customer is made);
- purchase management;
- management of a warehouse (stocks);
- management of the relations with buyers and suppliers;
- personnel management;
- monitoring and analysis of indicators of activity.
Works were carried out on technology of the "classical" project. All works were separated into stages, at first a stage of formalization of methods of the solution of business challenges in the form of Technical specifications and Engineering design, then development stages of a program code, trial operation, training and input in commercial operation.
User training to the basics of the program is at the moment provided. As a result of project implementation of automation based on 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 in the company document flow accelerated, the transparency of accounting increased, services of the enterprise received the convenient tool for accomplishment of daily work.