Customers: TVEL-SYSTEM Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2010/09
Number of licenses: 21
Automation of accounting based on industry solution "1C is complete: Management of construction organization 8" for TVEL-system Ltd
TVEL-system receives the reporting twice faster thanks to the solution "1C: Management of construction organization 8".
Specialists of 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT) successfully complete implementation of the software product "1C: Management of construction organization 8" in TVEL-system Ltd - the company which on a centralized basis renders services to the enterprises of JSC TVEL for design, construction, commissioning of capital subjects to production and non-productive appointment. In the project progress 21 workplaces are automated.
The lack of a system for obtaining the management reporting and accumulation of statistical data determined the aspiration of the management of the organization to automate by means of the unified information system conducting accounting, tax, personnel records, reflection of acts of the performed works on contract and to subcontracts, formation of requests for payment and obtaining the management reporting by activity of society.
The choice TVEL-system Ltd stopped on industry solution "1C: Management of construction organization 8", having given preference to the program on a widespread technology platform. In the project progress specialists of "BITS" carried out the following works:
- delivery, primary setup of a system, completion under specific requirements of the customer, formalization of requirements;
- execution of technical specifications on development, signing of the contracts;
- integration with the AstroSoft Accounting of Agreements system, "BIT: Treasury and Budgeting", "1C: Payroll and Trade management 8";
- training of employees was provided in the territory of the customer.
At present the staff of TVEL-system Ltd uses the following subsystems:
- conducting accounting and tax accounting;
- cash management;
- all subsystems from the Workforce recruiting group.
After implementation of the program the amount of time on information processing and providing the reporting to the CEO was cut by half, the preparation/processing speed of "Requests for payment" increased by 40%.