Customers: DIS center Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2011/05
Number of licenses: 35
Automation of activity of construction company DIS Center LLC based on the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 software product for the purpose of creation of a common information space of financial and economic activity of the enterprise is complete
Specialists of 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT) - Kazan make the implementation in construction company DIS Center LLC based on the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 software product directed to creation of a common information space of financial and economic activity of the enterprise.
Core activity of the enterprise – construction, reconstruction, major repair of objects of trunk gas and oil pipelines, the petrochemical industry and the enterprises of power, gas economy, engineering networks, construction of buildings and constructions of the I and II levels of responsibility according to state standard, technical supervision of construction, production, installation, reconstruction, metalwork of different function and the non-standard equipment, service of construction laboratory, engineering researches for construction of buildings and constructions of the I and II levels of responsibility according to state standard. In the Company more than 722 people work.
The guide of the Customer made the decision on automation of the enterprise for implementation of the following tasks:
- Automation of all sections managerial, accounting and tax accounting based on the products "1C:Enterprise 8";
- Automation of control functions by personnel, personnel records and payroll accounting based on separate products "1C:Enterprise 8. Salary and Personnel management" or on the block of payroll accounting and the personnel integrated into the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 program depending on requirements to payroll;
- Improvement of quality business – processes;
- Uniform information base;
- Exception of repeated information input;
- Reporting for presentation in state bodies;
- The maximum orientation on standard solutions;
- Obtaining managerial balance;
- Financial separation of flows between self-supporting Managements;
- Implementation of Management accounting in the program (management accounting is meant as operational accounting and small differences between accounting and management accounting, generally regarding the salary).
Before specialists of 1C Company: Accounting and Trade (Beat) - Kazan were the task to offer the automation system the most fully corresponding to needs of the Customer and to bring it into commercial operation as soon as possible is set.
The guide of the Customer was initial is focused on the software product of the 1C:Enterprise 8 family because the Customer is included into group, automated on "1C:Enterprise 8".
During the Project presentation specialists of BIT company it is reasoned suggested to use as the basic system "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8", so it to allow to achieve the goals declared the customer in a short time at reasonable price. The specifics of implementation at the enterprise were as follows: 1. Setup conducting item-by-item accounting and accounting on the centers of the financial responsibility. 2. Setup accounting of job order accounting in department of supply. 3. Requirements to the reporting under accounting and management accounting. At the enterprise a large number of output forms is used. 4. Setup accounting of financially economic service, setup of a system of requests for a funds expenditure.
Now a system is in commercial operation. During the project for the period 2010 - May, 2011 the following functional circuits and subsystems of accounting are automated and put into commercial operation:
- accounting
- tax accounting
- cash management
- sales management
- purchase management
- production management
- inventory management
- management of settlement with partners
- fixed asset accounting
- accounting of overalls and special equipment
- payroll of the organizations
- registration of personnel
Specialists of 1C Company: The Accounting and Trade (AT) - Kazan provided express inspection, training of staff of the company, completion of the software product under requirements of the customer and maintenance of trial operation.
Thanks to work of a project team from specialists "1C: Accounting and Trade (BITS)", is also created a common information space of financial and economic activity of the enterprise, item-by-item accounting, and the block of treasury is implemented.
Processes of management of purchases and production are brought to new qualitative level. The effective management of money is increased that allowed to increase system effectiveness of internal control.
The company management received the modern tool for acceptance of management decisions. In the closest plans of the customer implementation of standard functionality of 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 for conducting management accounting.