Customers: Zdravmedtekh-Volga region Kazan; Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2011/12
Number of licenses: 30
Implementation of the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 software product in production company Zdravmedtekh-Volga Region Ltd is complete
1C specialists: The Accounting and Trade (AT) - Kazan implementation of the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 software product in Zdravmedtekh-Povolozhye Ltd company is made. Zdravmedtekh-Povolozhye Ltd is included into Zdravmedtekh group of companies. The enterprise makes the wide range of a medical and surgical apparel, medical linen, the specialized operational sets used when rendering hi-tech types of medical care. Total number of the enterprise is 250 people.
Due to growth of the enterprise, the management made the decision on implementation of a new EPR system for the purpose of creation uniform information space of financial and economic activity of the enterprise which would provide conducting accounting, tax and production accounting of the enterprise and also would allow to analyze production costs, to calculate actual cost of products, to keep operational accounting of cash flow. A choice was made for benefit of the solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" which conformed to requirements of Zdravmedtekh-Povolozhye Ltd for functionality, cost and quality.
For system implementation invited specialists of 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT) - Kazan which carried out installation of the software product, initial training of employees in the main subsystems of a configuration is provided and also consulting support is given. During implementation 30 jobs are automated.
During all project for the period October, 2010 - December, 2011 consultants of BIT company brought into commercial operation subsystems of accounting and tax accounting, cash management and production management, sales management and purchases. Also as a result of implementation fixed asset accounting, overalls and special equipments is automated.
As a result implementation Zdravmedtekh-Volga Region Ltd company had a number of new opportunities. The management received means for the analysis and flexible management by production resources of the company. In the unified information system the picture of the movement of financial flows, the states of affairs on production is quickly displayed that allows to conduct more exact planning of business, to avoid overloads or idle times on production and therefore, financial losses. Automation of production accounting allowed to analyze costs and structure of cost value of finished product output, to calculate actual cost of products.
Automation of accounting and tax accounting gave the chance to keep operational accounting of a remaining balance of materials and finished goods, to monitor settlement of the company, to calculate and charge depreciation on fixed asset objects, to perform transparent comparison of data of accounting and tax accounting.
Thanks to work of a project team from specialists "1C: Accounting and Trade (BITS)" is created a common information space of financial and economic activity of the enterprise.