Customers: Lytkarinsky Plant of Optical Glass (LPOG) Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2008/04
Number of licenses: 30
Automation of the Lytkarinsky plant of optical glass based on the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 software product is complete
JSC Lytkarinsky Plant of Optical Glass is the unique multi-profile enterprise of the optical industry, one of the largest in Europe. At the moment the enterprise reached world-class quality of products and it is considered the recognized Russian leader in production of optical materials for the different fields of science and technology.
JSC LZOS has powerful scientific and technical potential on development of new types of products, technologies and consists of three large specialized scientific-industrial complexes:
- production of optical materials, including cooking of optical glass, production of procurements and optical fiber components;
- processing of procurements and production of finished optical products, as large-size optics, including lenses and mirrors, land and space basing for the astronomical purposes, and optical components of different function;
- production of optical-mechanical and optical-electronic devices of different function, as for mass use, and specialized in coordination with the customer;
Before automation in the company there was own, separate automation equipment. A main objective was transition to the modern, technological ERP program of a class which would integrate all sections in unified information environment.
For these purposes the management selected the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 system as the solution, the most suitable for tasks of the company. As the partner we selected Trade Soft LLC company.
As a result of fruitful work remaining balance, reference books from old accounting systems were transferred, unloading of data in others, still necessary old accounting systems is configured, the following sections are brought into operation:
- Inventory control
- Accounting of settlings with suppliers
- Product output planning
- Purchase planning
- Accounting of precious materials
- Work of internal services on the movement MPZ – requests for issue of Inventories
From the contractor 2 programmers, 2 consultants and 1 Project manager took part in the project. From client side 2 specialists who during implementation were trained participated and at the moment actively support a system. During implementation the personnel are trained in work with the program. Trial operation, operational testing was made, and after elimination of all defects of software it is put into commercial operation.
At the moment mastering of new sections continues, actively there is implementation of the difficult module of accounting, the current problems are solved. As a result of project implementation of automation in the company document flow accelerated, assigned tasks were solved, the transparency of accounting increased, services of the enterprise received the convenient tool for accomplishment of daily work.
It is going to automate:
- Accounting
- Tax accounting
- Payroll calculation
- Budgeting
- Cash management
- Production management
- Production planning on changes
Also transfer to 1C: Enterprise 8.1 for the purpose of use of all opportunities of the new platform is planned.