Customers: VESTT Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2012/01
Number of licenses: 7
Implementation of software "1C:Enterprise 8 is complete. Management of manufacturing enterprise for Ukraine" in Collective company "VESTT"
Collective company "VESTT" is group, core activities which are:
- Construction services (industrial and civil engineering)
- Production and implementation of a brick and wall blocks
- Production of trailers, kombaynovoz and metalwork
- Production and implementation of concrete
- The construction equipment in lease
- Laboratory of field methods of a research of soil
- Design of objects
Due to growth of the company and expansion of business by the management the decision on transition to the new software product was made.
The company made a choice for benefit of the software products "1C:Enterprise 8" because the staff of the company had positive experience with products of 1C company of early versions and requirements of business were met by functionality of a product "1C:Enterprise 8. Management of manufacturing enterprise for Ukraine". Before division of the company kept account in separate information bases, generally on the software products "1C: Enterprise 7.7". The main objectives which were set by the management at implementation "1C:Enterprise 8. Management of manufacturing enterprise for Ukraine" there was transparent accounting of raw materials and materials, finished goods, operational accounting of production (including – calculation of actual cost) and also accounting and tax accounting and payroll calculation.
Specialists "1C: Accounting and Trade" (BIT):
- offered schemes of reflection of economic transactions and processes in the software product using standard functionality;
- trained users in work with software products according to schemes of reflection;
- advised users and specialists of IT at data transfer (input of start state) and setup of the software product;
- advised users at the initial stage of work with the software product.
Now the VESTT company keeps account of the productive activity in "1C:Enterprise 8.
Management of manufacturing enterprise for Ukraine" in a part:
- Accounting and tax accounting, including the regulated reporting;
- Personnel records and payroll;
- Purchase managements;
- Inventory managements;
- Sales management;
- Productions (including cost accounting).