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TZOV Empire of Fats (1C: Enterprise 8.2)

Customers: TZOV Empire of Fats (_mper_ya zhir_v) (Maselko)

Food industry

Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2
На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2012/01
Number of licenses: 12

Implementation of software "1C:Enterprise 8 is complete. Management of manufacturing enterprise for Ukraine" in TZOV "Empire of Fats"

TZOV "_mper_ya zhir_v" - the large producer of margarine products in the territory of Ukraine. Products are made and implemented under own Maselko trademark, since 2002. When before company management there was a choice of a system for accounting of the enterprise, a choice was made for benefit of software products of 1C Company because functionality "1C:Enterprise 8" completely met requirements of business. The solution was influenced also by price-quality ratio. The 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT) having successful experience of implementation of similar projects became the partner in implementation. The main objective set before specialists of "Accounting and Trade Automation" company was implementation of standard functionality of the software product regarding conducting accounting, operational and management accounting, with the minimum completions. The main objective – the transparent cost accounting and cost accounting.

It was necessary to implement accounting of tasks in a part

  • Productions
  • Cost accounting and cost value
  • Wholesale
  • Personnel records and payroll calculation
  • Accounting and tax accounting

Our specialists

  • developed schemes of reflection of economic transactions and processes in the software product, taking into account the required reporting and minimization of completions of standard functionality.
  • trained users in work with software products in compliance with schemes of reflection
  • advised users and specialists of IT at data transfer (input of start state) and setup of a programmany product
  • advised users at the initial stage of work with the software product /

Implementation of a new system allowed to adjust operational accounting of production. Accounting of raw materials and finished goods is performed at each stage of technology process that allows to plan production volumes, implementations and the needs for raw materials and materials. Thanks to it it was succeeded to reduce costs of the enterprise at production. Time expenditure was reduced by conducting accounting, tax and operational accounting. The errors connected with a human factor are almost excluded, all operations on all types of accounting are reflected in a system in real time, and the regulated reporting is prepared qualitatively and in time.