Customers: Svarog Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2007/04
Number of licenses: 20
Automation of activity of the agricultural Svarog-2006 Corporation enterprise based on the "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 for Ukraine" software product
Based on 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 accounting at the agricultural Svarog-2006 Corporation enterprise is automated. The enterprise plans an exit to the IPO for what selected a system with a possibility of accounting according to IFRS.
The purpose of automation was creation of a system capable to provide operational management of the organization, to control over key indicators of activity, to provide reliable information for acceptance of management decisions. Operational data acquisition as some legal entities kept the account in paper form, and later organizations - in Excel was the main purpose.
Today are used are implemented and such subsystems are used:
- management of settlement with partners;
- inventory management;
- order management;
- cash management;
- management of settlement with advance holders;
- personnel management;
- payroll calculation;
- tax accounting;
- accounting records;
- budgeting.
At present subsystems are implemented:
- Purchase management;
- Management of fixed assets;
- Production management;
- Raw materials supplied by the customer processing;
- Production planning on changes;
- Accounting according to international standards (IFRS).
User training is provided, and a system is brought into trial operation. Business processes of the customer for automation of agricultural activity are also approved. At the customer several legal entities (on management accounting it divisions), are responsible for each of which the certain accountant, owing to automation all "divisions" received operational accounting records, and the management - managerial.